Vanilla Sky: Oh Hey, Carter

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. C A R T E R .

"Carter, baby," I heard the rather obnoxious coo coming from out of Dana's mouth, or what I and my friends liked to call her - Desperate Dana. Dana was this hot, Russian girl with full lips and dull gray eyes. She wasn't exactly a friend, or anybody to be honest, the boys and I just liked her because she was easy - and, well, easy. She'd only acknowledge one of us if she wanted a dick in her mouth - oops, my bad. 

"Yes, Dana?" I managed to coo back, my eyes never meeting hers as I leaned my head back onto my locker, watching the ceiling. Beside me, Derek nudged me with his bony elbow really hard in the ribs, snickering. I ignored him - my mind was far off, possibly in the clouds. I was too busy thinking of a girl, how cliche does that sound?

And, that girl, wasn't Desperate Dana.

"Do I even have to tell you?" Dana groaned, and when my head tilted down to meet her gaze, she had her perfectly done eyebrows knitted in a tight frown.

"Whatever, Dana, I don't want to." I snapped back, Derek beside me raising a brow - confused at my decision. Heck, the bitch just might have STD's. I think we have to change her name into Disappear Dana, because we don't want to fuck up our lives, getting some disease that sticks with you for the rest of your days.

I heard her growl. "What do you mean you don't want to? have you lost interest in me? just look at me, Carter Steven! I am the hottest girl in this school! Plus, I give you everything - the things I do for you," she blabbered on, and then, I snapped.

Plenty of people were around, but I didn't care. They only pass and stare, anyway. So as I slammed her shoulders into the lockers, my fingers getting stuck in her knotted strawberry blonde hair, my lips were forced onto hers. It was only a second until she responded, biting my lips - scratching her long false nails down my back. 

Ruining HER fun, I removed my now bleeding lip away from her swollen ones. "Now leave me the fuck alone," I demanded, and turned around to face Derek - who had an amused smirk dancing on his mouth. "Let's go, man," and with that just said, without another word from what I now like to call Disappear Dana, we headed to our next class.


"Dude, that new girls name is Vanilla," a friend of mine, Foster James, or who we all like to call - Frosty, whispered to me in class as his eyes wandered to where Vanilla sat, in the front row, 

"Ha ha," I let out a humorless little laugh, "and your name is Foster." 

Glaring at me, he groaned. "Didn't I tell you not to call me that, Steven?"

Sly, I thought. He blatantly called me by my last name, just so I'll do the same.

I'm too smart for him, though.

"Yes - plenty of times, actually. But who said I'd obey?...Foster," I mentally cackled in the back of my head, stifling a laugh that I knew would snap every pupil's attention to us two,

"At least it's better than Frosty," I heard him mutter, as he then shuffled in his seat to face the front of the class.

"Whatever floats your boat, Frosty," I snickered.

Mr Dremione then spun around so fast, giving me the nastiest glare. "Mr Steven, you do know we are preparing for a very important exam, so I suggest you zip it," in fast movement, Mr Dremione's lips were in a tight line as he pretended to zip his mouth.

I smirked as he then turned around, carrying on to explaining the Math problem on the board. Meanwhile, my eyes scanned over the pupils who faced the board, and who, faced me instead. Then, my eyes landed on the girl that might have just been stuck in my head for a long while.

Vanilla's grandpa glasses were falling off the bridge of her nose, as she watched me over my shoulder. Once my eyes met hers, she began to hesitate but she didn't leave the gaze. I smirked a smirk that I thought would have her swoon, but instead, she scratched her neck almost nervously before sticking out her tongue at me and facing forward.

Okay, weird?

It was still pretty cute.

Carter, snap out of it.

"Carter, snap out of it," I said aloud, and Frosty beside me looked at me like I was some kind of animal.

"Stop talking to yourself and shut up," I heard him say, adding a "jeez" at the end.

But I didn't care. I was thinking about that girl, and once I started thinking about her - my thoughts automatically went to how cute she was.

Yeah, so um, that's awkward.

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