Vanilla Sky: Oh Hey, Vanilla

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Holy Macaroni, Mr Dremione's butt is the size of Africa!

Okay, so that's just over-exaggerating. But, I assure you, his butt definitely shouldn't be classified as 'small' or even 'normal', it was humongous! If it wasn't his pop belly opposite my face, it was his butt - and I've come to realize that sitting in the front row while having a big, chubby teacher is by far the worst.

In my own little world, I haven't even realized how Mr Dremione must have been telling off a student. You see, when this happened at my old school, every pupil would either involve themselves or have a laugh. So, it wasn't exactly a surprise when I looked over my shoulder and my glasses dipped down to the bridge of my nose as I watched the 'victim'.

When my eyes landed on his face, all I could think was - 'him'.

With that teasing smirk almost stitched up to his lip, and his adorable green eyes that looked like they fell in an ocean filled with honey, my chin comfortably tucked itself on my palm as my elbow stood on the desk. I watched as his dreamy eyes wondered to all of the curious set of eyes of the pupils whom have watched him back; before his eyes stopping to bore into mine.

As his smirk grew wider, I felt myself swoon. 

He is one hot piece of poptart on a very welcoming Sunday morning.

But then I began to panic, his eyes watching me like I am some kind of prey to him. At first, I thought to myself - 'just smile', but I hated my smile! Then, I told myself to wave - but then again, that would make me look like a creep. So what I settled for?

Yeah, you guessed it.

I stuck my tongue at him.

Although to some of you that may be considered as extremely childish yet very stupid, I almost thought it was cool. Almost. I hated my smile, my smirk, but I sure as Hell didn't hate my cute, round tongue.

Weird, am I ?

Well what did you expect, my name is Vanilla.


A nerd with round Harry Potter like glasses and acne covered skin followed my every step, asking me to join the Math club, or whatever. It was so stereotypical, he thought that because I had at least smaller glasses than his, I was a nerd. Yeah, I am as smart as that ant you step on every now and then.

"- So, will you join?" it was almost funny, just how deep his voice was. You would have thought that in an ordinary High School in America, the nerds would just be going through puberty and would have the squeaky little voice. Yeah, well, this one almost scared me.

"No!" I screeched, forcing myself to look back at the boy with the chestnut colored greasy hair, and the fidgeting fingers. I noticed just how much his face fell down as soon as I screamed at him. "Hey, look, I'm sorry. I'm just not smart. Don't let the glasses fool ya'," I gave him a small smile, that I knew read 'yeah-sorry-now-please-go-away' but, he didn't have to know that.

"Oh," he nodded, understanding, pushing his glasses back at the top of his nose. "So, is your name really Vanilla?"

I knew it. I knew it was going to come, sooner or later.

"Pft, you must be really hungry, the cafeteria is to the lef-"

He began to laugh, and even his laugh was scary! "Everybody knows your name is Vanilla, so don't fool me. My name is Fillip, but my friends call me Flip and-" he was cut off, rudely.

But it wasn't me who cut him off.

A manly, large hand placed itself on Fillips tiny shoulder, making Fillip looking to the right - eyes wide. Carter's smile was wide, and forced. 

"Hey, Fred," he began to say, and I snorted at his fake act.

It was so obvious he was pretending to be Fillips friends, so it looks like he's friendly to nerds because he thought I was one.

Pft, yeah I'm not falling for it.

"It's Fillip," Fillip replied, his eyes narrowed - probably at the strange behavior coming from the other boy.

"Really, oh wait," Carter grinned, pointing towards what seemed like the ceiling, ordering Fillip to look. When Fillip looked, Carter had his palm facing the ceiling and it looked like they were watching a pretty sight. "Look, there goes the fuck I was supposed to give," he remarked, before grabbing Fillip by his backpack and moving him completely away from us.

Turning to me, a smirk danced on his mouth.

In shock, I blurted. "You're such a - a meanie!"

His hand flew to his chest, above his heart as his eyes rolled up to the ceiling. "Aww, how you speak to me," he retorted, before glancing back down at me - a real smile now on his lips.

Stop staring at his lips.

They're just so plump and juic-

Carter cleared his throat, and I met his gaze once again. I watched as his right index finger pointed down his bottom lip, signaling that I was dribbling. My eyes widened, my fingers searching for something wet on my chin but nothing was there.

"Jerk!" I glared at him, smacking him hard on the bicep - and then I did not only want to slap it, but rub my hands over it, hold it and oh my God I will stop now.

He rested his arm over my shoulder, looking down at me. "This is going to be an interesting year," he chuckled.


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