Fantastic '04

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I remember the day we first met-
O, what superfluous serendipity!
It was at the most perfect of occasions
A birthday party.
Basking in the leftover rays of the evening sun,
I waltzed into the moment that changed my life.

Then came introductions; a conversation ensued
I lost myself in you- and you, in me.
You became a growing addiction I can never deny-
It was never healthy.
The more I got of you, the stranger it felt;
What does not kill you, makes you stranger.

Our chitchat came to an end, like all good things-
No, I ended our conversation prematurely.
I stepped out of your golden radiance
There was something left in you,
Your nine-figure body that is nowadays an eight.

I should have finished that bottle of Fanta in 2004.

January 17

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