A Series Of Unfortunate Events

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  HEEYYY, So I decided to post my Story here From FF.Net, if anyone is curious I am Roxas' Other Half on that website, where I firstly submitted this fanfic, I've noticed that people post their stories here. Well those that are pertaining to this ship anyway, I've been Dallying for long. I Hoped you would enjoy this fanfic of mine, that I currently placed on Hold. Without further Ado i shall now give you the honors of the Disclaimer, I will only say this once. I do not own kingdom hearts nor the Afore mentioned characters in each chapter they belong to their respective owners and companies which are square enix and Disney.  

Destiny Island didn't use to have such a huge crowd near the shore, however today isn't any other day. The island might be small but the islanders know how to deal with boredom, it is inhabited by fishermen, people who wanted to get away from the city life, but it is mostly inhabited by refugees. By what you ask? Perhaps they were kicked out by the city states, soldiers from war or normal people that can't afford the taxes. Either way, the islanders didn't mind what kind of people, landed on their humble abode. However, the island's usual silence was broken due to the commotion, an unusual sports of sorts only known towards the younglings. It was a sparring game called "struggle" in which two people must face, each other with a wooden sword it was to hone their instincts on self-defense.

A silver-haired male, was to face off with a tanned sun-kissedblonde. The boys were about the same age, but strength wasn't determined by age, but by their attentiveness of the opponent/s' weakness, strengths and openings. The silver-haired male, has always been the calm one, he and the boy opposite to him got into a bit of an argument. Unlike the other male, the tanned one could be a brash person. They rarely got into fights like this, after all the blonde has always been practicing his "struggle" work out with a red-haired kid who seemed to have a funny accent. Well the red-head did have an unusual accent, the pale skinned male took a deep breath and tried to talk some sense into the other.

"Look, I'm not sure how it got to this... but we don't have to do this."

Not only was the sandy blonde acting childish, due to the other male bumping into him by accident and didn't apologize for it. He knew the blonde wouldn't be this annoyed unless his old man, got under his skin, the boy frowned and pointed the wooden sword towards the male's direction.

"Enough with your excuses... or are you scared to lose?"

The silver-haired teen's eyebrow twitched in annoyance, it seems like talking sense with the other teen would be futile. If his words won't reach him then his sword will, he made sure to watch the other teen's fighting stance or any openings that he could easily land a hit in. As he was thinking of a strategy, his light blue-green orbs widened at the sudden lunge the blonde did, there was no doubt the sun-kissed blonde was confident with his strength.

The muscular boy managed to side step to his left, before the wooden sword collided with his body.

He heard the sandy blonde groan, as he continued to swing his sword wildly to hit the other male, which the said male had no difficulty in dodging. People cheered for both, there were no wrong sides after all, for the islanders it was the only way kids could lash out their anger through a good game of "struggle".

As the tanned teen, started to take things seriously, and stopped underestimating the other male. He outstretched his hand which was clutching the sword in the direction of the male, he smirked as the silver-haired male was caught off guard for a bit. Until the male wrapped his fingers on the tanned teen's arm, he then kicked the boy's right sole, which made the tanned teenoff balance, he was sure he was going face first into the sand.

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