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After the creature had consumed him, Sora was having this so called "nightmares" unknowingly that they could be either premonition nor his own insecurity that led him into the world he called " hell ".

Also have some Preview: Until darkness finally consumed his consciousness, he hoped that nothing bad had happened to the rest of them. Hoping his sacrifice didn't go in vain, who knows what the brunette's future holds? After all even he gave up on living.

It was dark, all around him was filled with darkness, blue orbs stared emotionless into the abyss. His once bright blue orbs, turned into a darker hue, it was dull as if the life was drained from it. How did he get into this position? His pale lips turned into an upward smirk, recalling the earlier events. An inaudible laughed escaped his pale lips, if only his laugh had a sound to it. one can hear the sorrow and regret, being in this forsaken place for who knows how long was taking it's toll on his body. He could feel small tears forming in the corner of his eyes, it would have been better if he didn't regain consciousness at all so he wouldn't feel so alone. You might be wondering, how he regained consciousness right? It might have been that familiar feminine voice, that he loved so much--that kept on nagging for him to wake up. To keep on fighting, and never lose hope. Sora lifted his hands into the unknown abyss trying to grasp for something, no reach for it. He desperately tried to call out "her" name, as he blindly clenched and unclenched his fingers, he needed her-- missed her even. "She" was his strength, a beacon for him to wake up and have a positive outlook in life. Now that his "light" is gone, what could he possibly do? He opened his mouth, and the words "Kairi" left those pale lips of his, chanting the auburn haired female's name as if it was a mantra-- as if saying her name would make her magically appear in front of him. He was no longer a child, and he knew what he was doing was foolish at this thought he clenched his teeth to prevent a sob escaped from his mouth.

As his body shakes due to the sobs he was holding in, tears now freely ran down his tanned cheeks. His chest heaved in an unsteady rhythm, he wanted to go back to "THAT" world--where the sun seemed to glow, feeling those rays hit his body giving him that warm feeling. Unlike the situation he's in, not only was it dark but he was also getting cold. Without the brunette's knowledge, a black smoke headed his way-- it seemed to have smelt the male's despair and would like to feed itself of such rare and willing vessel. The ashen colored smoke stopped nigh a foot distance of the brunette, and morphed into one of the tanned teen's "friends" an image it copied just by sensing the male's thoughts.


that baritone voice held some sort of unknown emotion. Sora had tensed, ' it.... it cannot be?!' he hastily wiped the tears that was running down his face, as he heard the footsteps walking closer to where he was. His ears must be deceiving him, there's no way "he" would be here--it's just impossible! Sora tried to sit to confirm if it really was him, however he felt an invisible force binding him into the ground--panic rose and his dark blue orbs widened.


He struggled and tried to wiggle his way out of such an anonymous force, but the more he wiggled the more pain it shot to his muscles, he closed his eyes in pain at the burning sensation as if he was binded by an invisible rope. A shadow loomed over him, with a smirk marring it's face, the brunette groaned and gave up--sensing that someone was staring at him. He turned to look at the offender, he snarled but it left his pale lips as the one responsible for his situation appeared itself.


he was shocked that he managed to find his voice again, but those words that left his mouth were laced with hurt and somewhat betrayal. The silverette's smirk grew, that it almost look like he was snickering, enjoying the weakness the brunette was presenting. From Sora's point of view, his childhood friend looked like a serial killer especially with those blank light-blue green orbs of his.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 09, 2017 ⏰

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