There's no grey area

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Well I just realized I forgot to publish a chapter of this. I'm sorry 😂 Anyways here's some creative content -

- Nash POV -

It felt like thousands of knives stabbing me at once.
It hurt but
Who cares ? He's happy now and you're not Nash.
It doesn't matter if you're happy or not...

- 3rd POV -

Nash came up with an excuse and quickly went home.
He locked him self in his room, turned his phone on silent laid down.
A single tear rolled down his cheek as he starred at the ceiling.

- Hayes POV -

Cameron texted me saying somethings wrong with Nash and that I should check on him.

I went to his apartment, his car was there so he was home. I knocked on the door and no answer.

"Hamilton Nash Grier, if you're in there you better let me in" I yell

No answer.

I remembered he told me he had a spare key to the apartment in a small hidden box under the mailbox.

I got it and unlocked his door.

The apartment was silent.

He wasn't anywhere to be found found.

His bed room door was shut and locked so I took a leap and started talking.

"Nash, Cameron told me something was wrong. I know you, I know what you're doing. I also know why you're doing it.
Look, I know him and Shawn just started dating and stuff but Nash you gotta remember
Cameron and Shawn are black and white right now.
There's no grey,
And sadly you're the grey in this situation.
I'm not going to tell you that you and Cam will never happen but Nash, you have to keep trying. You don't know what tommrow or the next day brings. For all we know, Shawn and Cam could break up in a week.
All I'm saying is,
Don't let this ruin you Nash.
You're better than that."

I started walking away when I hear the door open.
A shirtless, sad Nash walks out.

"You're right, but it hurts."

"I know" I say while giving him a hug.


Yay ! Creative content
Yassss bitch


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