Chapter 30 An Act of True Love

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Maka's POV

I continued kissing him, I don't know why I did, but I just kissed him. Soul wouldn't budge, but soon he melted into the kiss. I pulled away, blushing like crazy, as was Soul. That's when I noticed something.

"Soul... are you?" I mumbled.

Soul blushed then nodded. His eyes were red once again and he smiled. "You're back."

Kelly's POV

I fell to the floor, exhausted. "I can barely move." I mumbled. Gray walked over to me, a smile of insanity plastered on his face. He raised his hand, a sword of ice forming. I closed my eyes waiting for impact when I hear the clanking of metal.

"We got here just in time." I heard Maka say. "Yeah, great job, Maka." I opened my eyes, knowing that voice. There stood Maka, Soul in his scythe form, ina Maka's hands. Soul was on our side. "Now, Soul." Maka mumbled. Soul nodded as Maka charged towards Gray and Al.

I watched as Maka and Soul began to fight. How'd Soul become normal again?

I was dragged from my thoughts when I noticed Gray and Al gone.

"Dammit! We lost them!" Jennifer shouted. I sighed then worked up the courage to ask Maka. "What happened?"

She turned around as Soul transformed back into his human form. Maka blushed before replying. "We kissed."

My mouth dropped to the floor. "Huh?!"

All of us were in shock. "Once I kissed him it was all over. He was back to normal. Right, Soul?" Maka said. Soul blushed a little before nodding, looking away from us. "Trying to pull off the cool guy act when you're as red as a tomato... FAIL!" Jennifer laughed at Soul.

"If you kissed him, then my thoughts are that love breaks the spell..." I muttered. "An act of true love can thaw a frozen heart!" Lauren smiled, thinking of the movie, Frozen. That's when I got the idea.

"An act of true love will save a corrupted heart!" I exclaimed. Maka smiled at me, as did Soul.

"Now we need to find Gray and Al." Jennifer said. "And find acts of true love for them." Edith muttered under her breath. "I hate mushy love."

I smirked. "What about China then?" Edith blushed like crazy and turned around.

"Alright! Time to find acts of true love!"

Kid's POV

I followed the group from the back. "An act of true love, huh?" I muttered to myself. "Let's see if that's true..."

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