I hate Myself

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Keith's P.o.v.
The so called emo kid. That's what I am. That's all I'll ever be. A punching bag for the schools bullies. A kid to dump all your problems on. Social anxiety, depression yeah gotta love that. Zero friends, none, zilch. I live with an abusive dad. No mother to defend me. No shes long gone. And my father tells me its my fault. And somehow I still have the time to hate someone. But not someone you'd think. Oh no. This was a natural born hate. But it wasn't my fault I told myself. Everyone hated this person. Every One for God's sake!

I hate him
I hate his freckles
I hate his hair
I hate his skin
I hate his fear
I hate his style
I hate his personality
I hate his job
I hate how vulnerable he is
I hate his past
I hate him
It's too bad that I'm him.
It's too bad that everyone hates me
It's too bad that I think they're right
It's just too bad
It's too bad that I have to give up
Because the one I love will never love me back. It's too bad that even though I know I should give up on him I can't.
Oh it's so stupid to have a crush on the most popular guy in school.  But I guess I'm known for being stupid. The social kind of course. And it's not like I can just stop loving him. That's not how crushes work. I'm setting myself up for heartbreak. But I'm too oblivious to see it.

A new year. A whole new year. My second year to be exact. I'm a junior. No not a sophomore. No I'm not confused. Anyways school starts tommorow. I can't wait. Please note the sarcasm. Try to look on the positive side my mother once told me. I always try, but it never works. Maybe this time it will. Okay let's see. I get straight A's even when I don't try. But there's no one too be proud of me or congratulate me. No one to bring my A+ test result home to. No one that won't beat me up for being a "wuss who can only get good grades, grades don't help you in the real world" Okay that's a failure next thing. I get to see Lance my crush again! But he'll never notice you or love you. Another failure. I-i don't no. Jeez why is being positive so hard? Well better get ready for Tommorow I have a long year ahead of me. And a sucky one at that.

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