Thinking things over

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Lances P.o.v.

I was worried about Keith. I didn't know or understand for that matter why Michael was punching him. I was pondering this as I walked down the hall. School didn't officially start for another 20 minutes so I just went outside and rested by a tree.

I'm glad I could help though. I thought to myself. I am worried though, it looked like Michael punched him like 20 times but I only saw him punch Keith once before I stepped in. I let my mind wonder around the subject.

He was so cute though. Stuttering like that. I blushed at the thought. No not now we aren't going to start off the day with me thinking about him like that. Like usual my mind rebelled. Which I secretly took pleasure in. Thinking about how cute it was when he continued to stutter and crane his head up to look at me. I remember him blushing bright red and freaking out slightly as I leaned down to pick him up. I know I could have just offered him a hand. I know I didn't have to pick him up. But my flirty instincts took over. And even though I regret it he was just so ADORABLE!!! Great I was fangirling infront of my high school 15 minutes before school started. I bet I was probably blushing like crazy.

I was thinking about how cute and short he was when I realized something. "He was so light" I muttered to myself remembering when I picked him up. "I swore I could feel his ribs and I never see him eat lunch or even in the cafeteria for that matter" I mutter so quietly I can barely hear myself. Now I was even more worried. I was pulled out of my thoughts as a bell rang. First hour. I headed to math class. I was in advanced math for some reason I don't know why. But I didn't want to bother the teachers to get it change so advanced math stayed.

It was the first official day of school since yesterday we just aimlessly wondered around the building. I walked into class and instantly took notice that Keith AND pidge the two ONLY kids that skipped a grade were in the back of the class. I decided to sit at a desk right infront of them.

Listening in on there conversation. "You can't keep getting into fights Keith!" Pidge hissed. "It was just a scratch honestly" He fired back. "Just a scratch huh!" Pidge started in with her sassy voice that I knew all too well. "Okay mr. I had to go to the nurses office on the first official day of school and I needed help because I could barely walk. Just admit it you'd have been screwed if my friend Lance wasn't there to help you." It was silent for a moment. "Okay I'll admit it, but that was just my ankle besides it's all better now. I'm just scratched up a bit" "you have a swollen eye and multiple cuts on your face. I don't believe your story." Something came over me because all a sudden I turned around. "Oh hey lance didn't see you there" Pidge said "Oh wait! Lance! Is he telling the truth I need to know!" She yelled. I looked at Keith who was looking down and blushing a bright red. "No... He isn't" I say. Pidge turns to Keith mad. Very mad. "Dude just tell me already!" "Fine" he whispered continuing to look down. "I was getting beat up, if it wasn't for lance I'd probably be stuffed in a locker right now" he whispered quietly. Pidge and even me who new the truth from the start were completely shocked. I knew he was still hiding something but I didn't get the chance to ask what because as soon as I opened my mouth to ask the teacher started class. I turned back around worried at the silent raven black haired boy behind me. What's he hiding? And why?

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