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3 Days Later

"Are you okay, sweetheart?" Zora asked Rainbow as they sat outside the hospital on a bench close to the entrance.

"I'd be lying if I said yes." Rainbow replied in a flat voice, showing no emotion.

"It's okay, things happen for a reason-"

"Can I just get a moment alone, please? I'm tired of having peoplein my face asking me how I'm doing every two seconds." Rainbow interrupted with an eyeroll.

"Sure, I'm always here if you want to just talk or vent or cry, maybe. I'll be inside."

With that, Zora rubbed Rainbow's arm and got up, going back inside the hospital. Rainbow sighed loudly, watching the traffic go up and down the street in front of the hospital.

Seconds later, her phone started ringing in her jacket pocket. Pulling it out, she saw Aj's picture on the screen and quickly answered it.

"Yeah?" Rainbow answered.

"Can you come back? You parents have to go home and I really don't wanna be alone right now." Aj said softly, almost sounding like a little girl.

"Of course, baby. I'm coming up there now." Rainbow told her before hanging up, going back inside and up to Aj's room.

"Sorry we have to leave, sweetie. Your father and I both need some rest, but I'll call you two in the morning to check up on you." Zora spoke when Rainbow walked in, getting her purse, leaning down by Aj's bed and kissing her cheek, hugging Rainbow next.

Rainbow's dad patted her on the shoulder before they left the room, closing the door behind them.

"Are you okay?" Aj asked.

"Are you?" Rainbow questioned back, joining her in the small bed meant for one person.

"I asked first." Aj said with a chuckle.

Rainbow turned to look at Aj, looking into her bright green eyes and running a hand through her blonde hair.

"I'm okay, just heartbroken about the baby." Rainbow admitted.

"Me too, but it's gonna be okay. I promise. I have good news." Aj said with a small smile.

"What is it?"

"I got released this morning to go home. I would have told you sooner, but I know you needed alone time."

"Babe, you could have told me. I've been ready to go since we got here."

Aj sat up, stretching her arms above her head.

"I just don't have any pants or underwear." Aj said with a frown.

"I don't have any panties, but you've had an extra pair of jeans riding around in my backseat for a few weeks now. I'll go get them." Rainbow got up and left the room, returning five minites later with Aj's pants in hand.

"It feels weird wearing pants without underwear." Aj said, putting her jacket on before making up the hospital bed.

"Well, you can take them off as soon as you get home." Rainbow picked up the plastic bag that had Aj's dirty clothes in it and grabbed her own phone, grabbing Aj's hand as they left the hospital.


"I'm sorry that the baby didn't make it, Applejack, but I'm just glad you're okay." Applebloom said over the phone.

"Yeah, me too." Aj sighed. "I sure do miss Granny Smith. She would be so happy to see how much we've grown up, especially you."

"Yeah, but she's in a better place. Anyway, I have to go. Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo are picking me up to see a movie in a little bit and I have to get ready. Stay strong, sis. Love you, bye!" AB said before hanging up.

Aj put her phone down on the kitchen counter, snagged a grape from the fruit bowl, and made her way into the bathroom.


"Yeah?" Aj turned to her girlfriend, who was standing against the bathroom door frame.

"I love you." Rainbow wrapped her arms around Aj and pulled her in for a hug, kissing the top of her head.

"I love you more." Aj hugged her back before pulling away with a smile.

(A/N: Another filler! sorry guys, I'm just trying to come up with a way to make this story work bc i rlly wanna finish it by the end of this year but idk if that'll happen ugh does anyone have ideas they're willing to share? i need a few 😭 pls & thanks! as always, ily guys sm!!! )

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