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It was the night of a waning gibbous.

"I got those new capri suns with the empty bottoms!"

Andy shouted from across the room. 

The boy loved the smell of Andy's house, it was always mixed with the smell of fresh clothes and the multiple scents of air fresheners with the faint smell of something sweet his mother would have made.

"I don't know why but it's so cool to look at." Andy said, punching the capri sun straw through the pouch while gazing at the clear bottom. His focused stayed on the bottom and the boy looked at the bottom of his as well, seeing he influenced everyone. 

The boy laughed and stayed staring at the bottom, while the other kids attentions were grabbed by something else. 

"Video games already?" The boy said looking at his friends huddle around the gaming system disputing over who gets what controller and who goes when.

Andy walked away from his open kitchen and looked at the boy. 

"It's 6, I thought we would go out and play with the nerfs or something before it get's dark." The boy said, suddenly feeling as uneasy as he was confused.

Andy laughed and sipped the juice aggressively out his pouch staring at the boy the whole time. The boy squinted at him waiting to see if he would just finish the whole thing in one sip.

Andy pulled away to breathe.

"I know what I'm doing." Andy said looking over at his guests glued to the front of the television. 

The boy felt like he didn't. Andy was the type of kid who would probably grow up to be a con artist or an addictive gambler, he had some prepubescent competitiveness and manupulitativeness to him. So, the boy just stared at him.

"I got the new Delta game." 

The boy's jaw dropped. 

"I thought your parents were cutting you off buying you so many games. And Delta games cost a lot of money."  The boy said as Andy spun his head around in cockiness.

"Yeah well since my dad didn't get me birthday present, he just got me this." He bragged and the boy stood impressed and looked back at the huddled group of boys in front of the TV thinking if he would ever get a chance to play.

"And they all kept bugging me about the game and Jeff was even saying he wouldn't come if I didn't let him play. So we will play, but what they don't know is I'm great at the game." Andy said sipping more of his juice.

The boy looked around, shrugging his shoulders. 

"That's it?"

"Well I was thinking the loser, or losers would have to each take a sip of my parents juice." Andy said with his mouth open in amusement. The boy stared at him, fully understanding what his friend was saying.

The Boy Fishing On The MoonWhere stories live. Discover now