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It was the night of a full moon.

"I heard all his games caught on fire too."

The boy fidgeted in his seat with his feet tapping the floor.

"He probably played with matches or something and got grounded.  I don't like him anyways so class is gonna be good now."

The boy sat in his seat feeling his breathing unsteady.

Andy didn't show up to class that day. But everyone already knew. 

But no one really knew. 

The boy went to sleep and woke up with the same emotion in the pit of his stomach and even the slightest trigger made him feel choked with it.

Melissa ran over to the seat next to him.

"Did you hear?"

The boy turned his head to her.

Her hair was in messy pigtails, which were probably neat when she left her house. He opened his mouth but felt them get pushed back down.

"I did." The boy said.

"It's so crazy, every ones talking about it. Everyone says Andy started it too and he's getting put into private school for it." Melissa said with her eyes glittering. The boy felt his head spinning.

"I wonder if he has a scar from it." A classmate said behind the boy.

"Or even worse, military school." Melissa added but the boy wasn't listening anymore. 

Every ones voices filled his mind like an ocean he couldn't swim through. And the ocean began flooding out his eyes.

"Hey hey!" The teacher shouted walking over to the boy. His classmates stared at him and he saw Melissa sit there quietly in the side of his eye.

"What's wrong?" The teacher whispered to him rubbing his back just like Andy's father did. He only cried more.

"Alright let's take you out of here okay." She said, holding the boy's hand to raise him out from his seat while he hung his head down. 

The class went quiet. 

Just like before his father stormed out his home.

It's all your fault again.

The boy  heard himself in tears now.

His mother picked him up from school and spent the day pushing her son on swings on a full moon.

The Boy Fishing On The MoonWhere stories live. Discover now