*Chapter Two*

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*Three years Time Skip*


"Okay girls! Remember, don't interact with mortal males. Okay?" Empress Yume warned the four girls in front of her.

Three whole years was the most tiring years that Yume, Ichigo And Akari has ever experienced. A lot has happened and the four girls that the Pripara Goddess, Jewlie, recommended them, has became the top well known idols and gain lots of fame over the past short years.

They still can't believe that the four amazingly reached to the top in just three years. Normally it would take an Idol about twenty or ten years to be noticed. Surprising isn't it?

"Hai!" The four cheerily said. Why would they interact with mortal boys when they can just interact with their boyfriends? Yep, you heard that right. They have boyfriends.

It's even better since their boyfriends are practically the Four Gods of the Male Idol Section.

How they met? Well you see, there's this festival in the Idol World called "Eclipse Festival". It's like a festival where both of the Male and Female Section of the Idol World gets to meet once a month.

That's how the eight of them met. It took them awhile until they finally confessed their love with each other.

Of course the Four Gods And Four Goddesses Are soulmates. Le duh...

"When are we departing to the earth world Yume-Sensei?" Suri, the Second Goddess, asked Empress Yume.

"Tomorrow at Soleil's peak." Since Yume is the Empress Of the Sun, of course she owns the Sun and practically named and control it. She named the Sun 'Soleil'.

"Okay!" Suri eye smiled and went back talking to Miyu, the Third Goddess.

"Hmmm...." A magenta haired girl hummed a song that has been stuck inside her head for quite a while now.

"New song Ella?" The girl's little sister popped behind her.

"Oh, hi Kiran...and yes a new song is coming." Ella smiled at her little Sister. Her sensei, Empress Yume, told Ella that her and Kiran are also sisters from their last life.

Yume told the Four Goddesses about their past life since she felt guilty about killing them. Well, technically it was Akari's fault since she was in charge of killing them. Instead of getting angry, he Four girls ignored it and forgave Yume, who was bursting into tears and started shouting apologies.

"Oh~! I can't wait until we go to this planet called Earth!" Miyu shouted excitedly. Both of her orange pigtails started shaking crazily. It's a usual thing for her when she gets excited. The girls found it adorable and weird at the same time.

The girls and Yume just laughed happily.

•Soleil's Peak•

"COME ON!" Ella and Suri shouted at their two friends who was panicking.

"Okay! Okay!" Miyu closed her suitcase and ran behind Suri. Kiran did the same thing and followed Ella behind.

The four were now late thanks to two certain Goddesses.

"Sorry about that Yume-sensei, Mama and Auntie." The four girls apologised to their superiors.

"It's fine.." Ichigo waved it off. Akari did the same thing while Yume just pouted.

"Why won't you also call me Auntie?" Yume was still gloomy about the names.

The girls laughed. Ichigo And Akari went their farewells to the girls before disappearing to do some urgent stuff with the other idols.

"SAY HI TO SUBARU FOR ME PLEASE!" Yume shouted to the Four before they disappeared when they entered the portal to teleport towards the Earth.

Subaru's Yume's fiancé. Apparently he works as an undercover/bodyguard/Idol in the Earth world. Even though he's part of the superiors in the Idol World, he still insists on going to Earth to look after the Four Goddesses And Four Gods.


Gods and Goddesses of the Idol WorldDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora