Chapter 6

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When Cal didn't reply, I knew he'd passed out again, and although I meant to keep him awake, my lids got heavy and I began to doze myself. Suddenly, I was there again ... Back in the penthouse suite at the Bellagio, with a very hot, and very tempting, Micah.

"You know you're the most gorgeous women here tonight," Micah had said, his low, gruff tone causing a riot in my belly.

It was our annual end-of-year party, and everyone from the club had been out in full force, partying hard on the one night the strip club was closed and we could all hang out and let down our hair together.

As usual, I'd kept mostly to myself, really only talking to Ginger and Big Mike. I'd been watching Micah for years, and, let's be honest, lusting after him. But, I wasn't one to mix business with pleasure, and had a strict policy about hooking up with co-workers, and guests.

Still, Micah wearing ass-hugging jeans, a black t-shirt, and a fitted vest was enough to make any woman toss out the rule book. I'd watched him watching me all night, and when I'd caught his eye before walking out onto the balcony, he'd taken the hint.

I lounged on the deck chair, legs out in front of me, causing my already short dress to ride up to a dangerous level. His eyes were on my legs as he gave me the compliment. It was one I'd received many times, from too many men to count, but somehow, it sounded different on his lips.

"You're not so bad yourself," I replied, running the tips of my fingers over the edge of my dress where it dipped low into my cleavage.

Micah's gaze followed my hand and the heat in his eyes, coupled with the desire coursing through me, was enough to make me throw caution to the wind. Not caring that someone could walk out at any moment, I closed off my mind, and listened to my body.

My eyes never leaving Micah's face, I slid my hand into the bodice of my dress, cupping my breast briefly before pulling it out and freeing it for Micah's gaze. His already dark eyes turned molten as he watched me caress my full breast, then pinch the nipple tightly between my fingertips.

"Jesus," he groaned, sucking his lower lip between his teeth and biting down hard, as he stood there with his hands fisted at his side.

I smirked at him as I covered myself back up, then stood up slowly, allowing anticipation to make my movements sensual rather than hurried, even though what I really wanted to do was rip that vest off of him and fuck him right here on the balcony.

Instead, I sauntered over to him, placed my hand on his chest, and looked up into his eyes.

"I have a room," I said softly.

"Take me," was his reply.

I let my hand drop from his chest to his hand, then took it in mine and led him away from the door leading back into the penthouse and the party all of our coworkers were still enjoying. Instead we walked through the door leading to the hallway and got into the elevator.

I could feel the heat of his body behind me as we took the elevator down. The anticipation was palpable, but other than our hands, we didn't touch.

I closed my eyes and allowed that feeling to encompass me, almost to the point of becoming overwhelming. When the door opened with a ding, I opened my eyes and stepped out, a smile playing at my lips.

We'd barely crossed the threshold of my room when Micah pounced. Obviously through waiting, his hands came to cup my breasts as his lips hit my neck. I stopped and tilted my head, giving him easier access as I arched my back and filled his hands with my breasts.

I heard the door shut behind us with a bang and figured he must have kicked it, but I wouldn't have cared if he'd left it open. All I cared about, all I needed, was him inside of me. Now.

I bent at the waist as I reached under my dress and eased my thong down my legs, strategically wiggling my ass against his hard cock as I did. As I stood, I pulled my skirt up my thighs, exposing my naked ass as I offered myself to him.

Micah's hands left my tits and moved to my thighs. He ran them slowly up the heated flesh before moving forward and making me gasp. One hand splayed across my stomach, holding me tightly against his body, as the other started its descent to my pussy and began to torture me sweetly.

"Fuck, Micah," I moaned as his fingers entered me. My head fell back against his shoulder as he worked me over.

My hips moved slightly as his fingers fucked me and his thumb toyed with my clit. I felt the orgasm building within me, but right before I reached that high, Micah moved his hand and took a step back.

Instantly bereft, I spun on my heel to face him. I was so primed and ready to come that I probably would have shoved him against the wall and humped his leg without the least bit of embarrassment, but luckily, it didn't come to that.

Micah pushed me back toward the bed with the point of his finger, and when the backs of my knees hit the edge of the mattress I sat down. He stalked toward me until he was inches in front of me, and I could see his cock straining beneath his jeans. Without waiting for an invitation, I freed his dick, then teased him with my hands and tongue, before taking him fully in my mouth and bringing him to the brink of madness.

Once again, he was the one to stop and step back, but this time it was only long enough to roll a condom over his cock and lay me back on the bed. Micah stayed standing as my legs wrapped around his waist and my butt slid to the edge of the bed. I braced myself up on my elbows so I could watch as he slid slowly into me, then pulled back out and rammed himself back in.

Micah pulled my legs from his waist and brought them up, so that my ankles were against his ears as he fucked me gloriously. My head fell back as I closed my eyes and focused on the feeling of him moving inside of me.

"So good," I moaned unabashedly.

When I felt his lips softly kiss my ankle, my eyes flew open at the contrast of the sweet gesture. His eye hit mine as he pulled slowly out of me. "Back," Micah ordered gruffly, tipping his chin up toward the head of the bed.

I scooted back, pulling my dress quickly over my head and tossing it aside, so by the time I was laying on the bed before him, I was finally completely naked. Micah rid himself of the rest of his clothes as well, his eyes taking in every inch of me.

I noticed his dick jerking slightly and figured that meant he liked what he saw, so while he watched, I ran my hands over my thighs to my knees, then slowly pushed them to the side, opening myself fully.

Micah growled lightly, then moved. In an instant his body covered mine, all warm, manly flesh, and he gripped my wrists in his hands and lifted my arms above my head until we met the headboard, and he urged me to hold on tight.

Assaulted by my senses ... the scent of him, the feel of his skin, the sound of his labored breath in my ear, I closed my eyes and turned my head, and turned myself completely over to the experience.

Never had I felt so in the moment, so utterly turned on and in tune with another person.

Micah groaned as he entered me once more, and my knees came up as I tilted my hips to give him deeper access.

He whispered in my ear as he thrust in and out of me, and I gripped the headboard tighter as he surrounded me. I matched him eagerly as we made love. That's the only way I could describe an experience I'd never felt before.

The connection, the almost mindless need to satisfy him in every way, the way the bed shook as we both reached scream-worthy orgasms.

When I came down, I finally released my steel grasp on the headboard, and shifted to see Micah's gaze on me. I smiled at him tenderly, and knew in that moment that I was totally screwed.

In more ways than one...

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