Chapter 9

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I'm not sure how long I slept, but I awoke to the sun streaming through the window and my phone going off. I stretched my body, pausing when my hand hit the warm mass on the bed next to me.

Turning my head, I smiled when I found Cal dead to the world, snoring like sailor.

Boy, he's gonna be in for a world of hurt today, I thought as I sat up, almost feeling bad for the guy. Then I remembered he was a grown-ass man who'd made the decision to get drunk off his ass and kept drinking even after he'd decorated me, and the room, with puke.

I picked up my phone to see who'd woken me at this ungodly hour, then grinned hard when I saw the text.

Flight to Cabo booked for 1100 today. Be there two hours early, two free checked bags. Your flight itinerary and hotel information is in your email, check it. Let your freak flag fly, darling Simone.

I laughed out loud, pumped now that this dream trip of mine was actually a reality, then I cursed when I checked the time.

"Shit," I murmured as I jumped out of bed. "I have to go now if I'm going to make it to my place to pack and get to the airport on time."

I paused at the bathroom door to look back at Cal, who showed no signs of waking, and felt a niggling of guilt.

Simone, you have gone above and beyond for this guy. Played the ultimate good Samaritan. You don't need to feel guilty for leaving, his friends should be getting here any minute.

I nodded in response to my pep talk and decided to grab a quick shower here, saving some time so that when I got home I could throw my bikini and a couple sundresses in a bag and go.

I washed my body quickly, doing my best to keep my hair dry, as excitement began to build at the realization that in just a few hours I'd be on my way to paradise.

I closed my eyes and imagined myself poolside, drink in hand and ocean in view. Maybe I'd be reading when a handsome dark-skinned stranger came up and offered to put lotion on my back. Or, maybe I'd be running low on my cocktail when a handsome cabana boy would offer to give me a refill, and a backrub with a happy ending.

The possibilities were endless...

I sent the message to order the car, and as I was toweling off, I heard retching coming from the other room.

"Uh-oh, Cal," I whispered, shaking my head. That poor guy was going to have a rough day. I wouldn't be surprised if he had no recollection of last night at all.

My phone beeped, signaling the car was five minutes out and would be waiting for me at the entrance to the hotel, so I grabbed my purse and phone and opened the bathroom door.

Cal looked like a complete mess, laying on the floor practically spooning the trashcan.

I crossed to the chair to get my dress, sighing when I realized it was still damp. "That was some party," I said with a laugh as I pulled the dress down over my head and caught sight of Cal's confused look.

My phone beeped again, and I knew it was the driver telling me that he'd arrived, so I needed to hurry and get downstairs. I surveyed the room to make sure I wasn't forgetting anything, then hurried to the door.

Hand on the handle, I turned to Cal and said, "Have a nice life, sugar," and I meant it. I truly wished only good things for him. He was one of the rare good guys.

The door slammed behind me and I shot off a message to the driver, letting him know I was on my way as I waited for the elevator.

I looked up as it pinged open, automatically flashing a smile at the two men standing before me. One had sandy hair and an easygoing smile, while the other had dark hair and the air of a man who came from money.

"Gentlemen," I said in greeting as they both gave me a onceover. I preened for a moment as they brushed past me, both of them smiling, then walked onto the lift with a little extra sway to my hips.

Their eyes were still on me as the door closed, so I gave them a finger wave and chuckled to myself. That's when I realized that they were probably Cal's friends, and the last bit of worry I'd been harboring left me. I knew they'd take over where I'd left off and make sure he was okay.

Mentally building a checklist, I strode across the casino floor, then out and into my waiting car.

"Thanks," I told the driver as I settled in, then sat back and watched The Venetian get smaller as we drove away.

I toyed with my hair as we passed through The Strip and I felt lighter than I had in months, hell, in years. I'd never admit it to Ginger, but she'd actually helped me out by setting me up with Cal like that. It had been good for me to talk about what had happened with Micah and get it off my chest, and the fact that Cal was a stranger who I'd never see again had made it that much easier for me to do.

Now I could start fresh.

I'd leave Micah in the past where he belonged and be open for whatever came my way in Mexico. Plus, taking care of Cal while he was messed up, and enabling him to get back to his beloved Shelly, was the ultimate good deed.

That meant karma was sure to be on my side.

I sure hoped so, because after talking with Cal, I really wanted what he and Shelly had. I wanted a man to think of me the way he thought of her, and get that look of devotion on his face when he talked about me.

I deserved a love like that, and I craved it, more than anything.

The End... 

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