Chapter 2

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"No way!" Louise said, taking a sip of her coffee. I was at a cafe down the road, it was around 9:00 in the morning and me and Louise where having coffee together and I had just told her about Adam.

"Alesa, thats amazing..." She sighed happily.

"I know right!"

"Do you think he... likes you...?" she smiled.

"Oh god... how am I supposed to know!?" I laughed. My phone vibrated, I looked down and my smile faded.

"What's wrong?" Louise looked concerned.

"Oh. It's another reminder -you remember how I said I might sell my house right- well I was going to change my mind but I got an amazing offer, but the problem is I'd have to move to the other side of the city. Seattle's pretty big you know!" I sighed.

"Oh no. I'll miss you so much!"

"Yeah I'll miss everyone..."

Louise looked up, behind me, and smiled. I felt a tap on my shoulder and I turned around to see Adam.

"Hey beautiful!" he smiled. I blushed, now I knew he liked me.

"Ha, I'm getting flattered by Skydoesminecraft! What's next am I gonna get kidnapped by Justin Timberlake?" I joked.

Adam put his hands in his pockets and looked at me, "Close..." he sighed.

"Wha-" I was interrupted by a hand from behind me. It covered my mouth, then another one covered my eyes. I kicked and tried to pull away, I couldn't. Finally, I bit his finger.

"Ouch!" I heard someone scream behind me as the hands pulled away. I turned around and saw Jerome and Mitch. I turned towards the door to try and run, but Adam caught me.


"LET ME GO!" I yelled.

"Louise," he motioned for her to come over. I saw her, holding something in her hand, it looked sharp but I couldn't tell what it was. Suddenly she jammed it into my arm, I squealed in pain. Adam slowly lowered me towards the ground;

"I-I'm sorry Alesa..." Louise said, pulling the thing out of my arm, and backing away as my vision went blurry- then completely black.

I woke up in a room. A little room, with dimmed lights. I was lying on a couch. I looked around and realized there where people here with me -Adam, Louise, Jerome, Mitch, and Jocelyn.

"Wh-what am I doing here!? Where am I!?" I demanded.

"Alesa, do you remember what happened?" Adam spoke up.

"Well... kinda..." I replied honestly.

"So what does that mean?"

"I remember two hands coming over my face, then kicking and hitting-"

"And bitting!" Jerome interrupted.

"Yes... and then I saw Mitch and Jerome and then all I remember is a sharp pain, then I'm here!" I panicked.

"If that wasn't true, I'd think she was crazy!" Jocelyn laughed.

"Wait, I remember Louise, and Mitch, and Jerome, and Adam... But Jocelyn, how'd you know about this?"

"Don't you remember! I was the only one on shift at that little cafe! I let you in earlier than all the other customers because I'M your friend."

"You say that... meanwhile I'm trapped here in a room that I've never seen before, and there's a throbbing pain down my arm!" I said, holding my arm.

"I'm sorry about that, I never want to hurt you." Adam said, moving towards me.

"Don't come near me! If you don't want to hurt me, why'd you knock me out and bring me here!?"

Adam backed away, "I-I just don't want to lose you...."

"Wait... what? Did I miss something?" I replied, confused.

"No. I heard you talking to Louise about moving... I know we barely know eachother, but that's why it's so hard for you to leave, because you'll have less to remember me by..."

I didn't respond.

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⏰ Last updated: May 20, 2014 ⏰

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