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(Y/n) pov.

Bored.Silence.Youm my hear my clock ticking.It was reminding me off Snape's class.I laugh to myself.I heard that my owl was nervous.I get out off my bed and to her/him.

"Hey (O/n),I know you are nervous,but I'm sorry in this world I can't use magic.I'm sorry."I said looking at her/him.She/he only looked at me and close her/his eyes.I think that he/she understands me.I jump on my bed.I saw my photo album from Hogwarts.I take it and lie on my bed.On the first page were all of us four.The best things about the photo album was that every photo was moving and talking.

"I miss you all."I said as I rub the photos.I remember that they didn't send me any letters.I send to everyone like thousand this summer.I sigh.I stand up and hug the album.I step to the window.It was a rainy day.I remember that anytime it was raining on Hogwarts,me and my friends get to one room and started talking stories and eating some candy from wizard world and the strange thing was that I become kind of a friend to Draco.He is not that stupid and selfish guy.Moment later Anna come inside.

"(Y/n) dinner is going to be ready in a minute."Anna said.I looked at her and nodded.

"I will be there in a minute."I said.She nodded and headed downstairs.I sigh.Only five weeks until the school.

Dinner was weary good.Anna cook the most delicious chicken and Gorg make most delicious soup.The last thing was Anna's famous souffle.Yumi!!!I started to eat my soufflé when I heard something upstairs.We all looked at each other and I was the first one getting to the stairs.Anna and Gorg were behind me.I slowly get to my room and I heard....human?I opened the door and saw that there was a elf.He looked at me.He was for a head smaller than me.

"Who a-are you?"I asked.He twink his ears and said.

"I'm sorry miss.I'm Dobby,Dobby the house elf."He said smiling.I looked at Anna and Gorg.The two of them were shocked.

"I can handle it."I said to them.They smiled and headed downstairs.

"What are you doing here?Who send you?"I asked.Dobby looked at me.

"Dobby is serving a wizard family and Dobby is here to tell miss Kullt that is not safe to get to Hogwarts this year."He said.I looked at him weird.

"What do you mean not safe?"I asked sitting on the bed.Dobby hopped on the bed.

"It's not safe at Hogwarts this year.Dobby is trying to protect (Y/n)."Dobby said.

"And what about if I still do want to go back to Hogwarts?"I asked.Dobby jump down from my bed and turned away.

"Dobby even think of that,so he  take every latter from (Y/n)'s friends so that maybe she will think they forget her and she will not return to Hogwarts."Dobby said.I looked at him angrily.

"Give them back to me.Now!"I said.

"Dobby can't miss.The masters said that he should give it to (Y/n)."He said once again.

"Who are your masters?"I asked.He looked at the ground,getting his pointy ears down.

"He should tell you."Dobby said.

"It's not safe on Hogwarts any more.You have to believe me.It's going to attack."Dobby said.I looked at him.

"Did you say that is going to attack?"I asked.

"What or who is that thing?"Dobby looked more sadly than before.

"I should tell you."He said.Before I could say or asked him anything he just disappeared and the last words he said "It's not safe anymore."What the hell?

*Next morning

I was reading some letters and I saw that this day Ron will get me to have this five weeks with him and his family.I smiled they didn't forget me after all.

It was five pm and Ron was late.I was having everything packed,but he was nowhere to be seen.I stepped inside the house.I saw that Anna and Gorg were asleep.I smiled.I even write them a note,even if I tell them yesterday.The only thing was that elf Dobby that came to me.What was so dangerously on Hogwarts this year.Next minute Ron came with his flying blue car.I smiled.I get my suitcase inside and sit in.

"Why were you so late and Hi Harry."I said waving at him.

"Hi and it's because Harry was having trouble with his uncle and aunt.The get bars on his window."Ron explains.I nodded and sit back.

"So are you both ready?"Ron said.

"The really question is,do you know how to drive?"I asked.

"Nope."And that was the last word before we go on our flying trip.
Hey guys!Maybe this chapter isn't that good,but I hope you like it.

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