Chapter 2

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Chapter Two

Rose’s POV:

I was half a second, flinting the wood when I came to a tiny sliver of a river. I stopped immediately almost tripping.  It had been long since I last flinted. I knelt down in the brambles tossing the body to one side. Even the thought of the word body shuck me. I dipped my hands in the water and cuffed, splashing the water to my face. I then tried hard to rid of the blood stains but it wasn’t working.

Suddenly I heard movement a broken twigs not too far off. It still proved that my hearing didn’t fully adjust. I dug a quick deep enough pit, dumped the body in, cover it up and flint for another quick minute.  That’s when I realised that I had left my ‘lady purse’ behind at the little river.  I looked back in my past direction and flinted three quarters of my way back, being careful not to make any noise. After I jumped and took refuge in the tree above I could see my past location quite clearly. They were a little boy with curly locks and a ball. He was cute and I obviously hoped for him to leave until…my Insides started to ponder and my heart desire. I wanted blood.

I hugged the tree tight, digging my nails into its bark with pain of the wood just to stop myself from getting at the little boy. I started thinking of the first time that I had the refreshing blood of a child. I looked at the boy and saw his eyes. Thought came to me.

The blue, blue eyes of my forever lover

Lost in thought I jumped to the ground beside him when I suddenly found I was on the ground. Noise.  Movement. Gunfire filled my ear, blocking out every other sound. It was close. I was in pain.

My neck threaded with no thump as blood poured out of my body. I got more and more hungry but couldn’t move. I felt for the stabber and screamed in pain by its touch. Wood. A wooden bullet. My eyes started to flutter shut when I caught the site of a man running and hugging the boys as a heel of someone’s boot stopped my face. Darkness.

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