Chapter 14

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Chapter Fourteen

Rose’s POV:

The conversation started with usual ‘hello’s and ‘How are you?’ with the responses.  Andy seemed out of breath and Charles tried to calm her down.

‘You ok Andy? Did something happen?’ Charles asked afraid. I shook my head at a thought.

‘Charlie! I saw her! I think I saw her. I was talking with her and remembered your description of her.’

‘It’s ok.’ He placed a hand on her shoulder and my eye twitched. ‘You’re safe now’

Andy hugged him and I started to heat up. ‘Charlie I’m scared’ they pulled back and Charles replied.

‘We’ll be ok’ He smiled. Andy took his hand and I stood from my position behind a nearby bush, my hand a clenched into a fist.

Andy and Charles look my direction and backed down the wooden out plank. They didn’t see me but I made a noise loud enough for them to hear. They looked at each other’s paranoid faces and burst into tearful laughter and strolled down the rest of the way.

‘Thank you’ Andy said and smiled looking up at Charles. Charles smiled back looking down at her. She stood higher and I knew what she was planning to do. Suddenly rage took over my and I flinted into her knocking her into the probably cold water of the lake and flinted away before they could see me. Andy screamed and shouted that the water was cold. Charles jumped and went to try and help her out. I watched the comedy scene and chuckled sheepishly.

The reaction to my event did not play out as I wanted it to. It made the state more romantic. Andy thought she slipped. Charles held her hand even after helping his drenched friend out of the waters of the lake. They laughed together and Andy came closer to Charles smiling. I repeated my last action and she went flying back into the lake. The reaction to this event was good. Andy thought he pushed her in this time and refused his help when getting out. She asked for a ride home and didn’t seem happy with him at all. Charles head dropped when she wasn’t looking. They left the park, Andy drenched with Charles jacket over her and Charles with a downed face.

I felt bad. Was it worth it? They looked so happy together. I felt so bad that I couldn’t kill another that day. I basically starved my thirst. I droned on and passed by a restaurant and decided to have some real food for once in 70 years after all. That made me chuckle. But sadly, because I kept thinking of Charles.

The blue, blue eyes of my forever lover

I shook my head. Why was that such a repeated thought? I walked on into the restaurant and checked my purse when looking at the menu making sure I had enough. I wanted to keep some money for clothes and a carry bag for the clothes. I had well enough. The people I killed weren’t poor that’s for sure. I ate my chicken, potato mash and gravy alone. I tasted better than I remembered a proper hot meal. It made me feel really good inside. Like as if I was human again.

The fork dropped to the ground and the knife on the plate. I suddenly came aware and remembered the night I was bit. My hand went for the scar on my neck and I remembered feeling the two deep holes in my neck, blood flowing out, getting in my hair. I remember looking at his face. Blood over and around his lips, and evil smile. His eyes bright red and wanting more. I saw my mother on the floor her neck slashed open. Then I blacked out, feeling nothing but horrid pain.

I came back to my senses and the waiter was beside me asking if I was ok. I nodded, picked up the fork and handed it to him. I quickly placed the right amount of money on the table, took my things and left leaving the room speechless. When outside, I ran and human pace, my eyes filling with tears. I ran into the park and climbed a tree with coverage and a dip. I sat up there and cried. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 08, 2012 ⏰

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