Summer Bliss ( Leon )

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(* = Changeable)

Status: OPEN

Title: Summer Bliss*
Love Interest: Leon
Game: FE Echoes
OC Name: Xavier

" This world was so dull and colorless until you came into my life. "


Summer was always a season of bliss and artistic inspiration for Xavier. He painted gorgeous portraits that brought people all over to see. From a rich Nobles to a purple haired archer.



-Takes Place after the main story in FE Echoes

-You can do whatever you want with Valbar, wether he died, remarried, etc ... just make it a believable reason for Leon moving on. Or maybe Leon just moved on his own. Who knows, I'm leaving up to the person writing.

-Let this be a slow burn type story

•Xavier can be any class you want him to be.
-He's very reckless to say the least
-Wild at heart
-Gives off an energetic vibe
-Appearance Wise, I'm leaving it up to then Writer

»Plot Made By: gradivus «

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