Dance, Dance ( Flora )

60 9 3

Status: Open

Title: Dance, Dance*
Love Interest: Flora
Game: FE Conquest Pre Game/During Game
OC Name: Lena

" Dance, Dance ! We're falling apart to half time... If only they knew how misery loved me ! "

Kissing behind tapestries, sneaking out of the castle late at night, quick sessions, and slow dances behind the scenes is what made Lena's relationship with Flora. This is how they both found their happiness in the oppressive atmosphere of Corrin's fortress. Until one day Lena was dismissed from the staff.

-Leaving it open for what Lena got dismissed for
-What happens after is that she becomes a dancer and dances at pubs and taverns
-Joins Corn's Army at one point
-Of course Lena is determined to find Flora again
-redhead, green eyes, freckles, 5'7
-Lesbian (not changeable btw)
-Bit of a mom, really caring and nurturing, and a bitch when she wants to be
-Her family most likely died fighting for Nohr and that's how she wound up working as Corrin's retainer.
-Very upset about that too

»Plot Made By: gradivus «

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