Danger Anew ( Delthea )

55 9 0

Status: Open

Title: Danger Anew*
Love Interest: N/A*
Game: FE Echoes Post-Game, Heroes During Game
OC Name: [Summoner Name]

" Why I sealed it? I... I really don't wish to say. I don't even know, sometimes. "

The Valentian War led to Delthea sealing her magic, for what she believed to be the greater good. She planned to never touch it again, choosing the path of the ordinary.

That is, until she was summoned to Askr, now in a different war, armed with nothing but her past and memories.

- Whether or not Delthea unseals her magic (and how!), and why she sealed her magic is up to you.
- This is set after the war, but before Delthea finds her significant other in Valentia; this means that a love interest is open, but I'd rather there not be.
- Her reaction and her desires (or how she expressed them) are up to you.

• Kiran/Summoner
- Whether or not they have a major role is up to you.
- One thing about the summoner that I want to push in: they wanted little Delthea. Certainly not this one, who is near useless (unless she unseals her magic).
- Whether or not they summon the thirteen year-old is up to you.

»Plot Made By: Kaiterai «

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 12, 2017 ⏰

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