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"Minghao? Are you still ill?" asked Mrs.Xu
"No, I'm not" Minghao replied
"Oh okay dear, get dressed then" said Mrs.Xu smiling
"Okay mum" said Minghao getting out of bed

Minghao stood up and walked to his closet, he opened it and grabbed a sweater, some black jeans and shoes. He walked downstairs after getting changed and sat down to eat his food.

"Good morning dear" said his mother
"Hi" said Minghao still with food in his mouth, "What time is it?" he asked
"8:20" she said, "why?-" before she could finish Minghao stood up and ran to the door
"Bye mum" he said as he ran out of the door

School started at 8:30 and Minghao wantes to suprise Junhui, he knew Junhui left his house around 8:20 since he lived about 5 minutes away from the school.

Minghao reached in front of Junhui's home and raised his hand to knock but the door opened before he could,
"Hi Junhui"
"MINGHAO!" Junhui said excited as he wraped his arms around Minghao's body and lifted him up and spun his around in the air,
"Nice to see you too" said Minghao smiling, "now put me down" he said seriously
"Okay, sorry" said Junhui as he put Minghao down almost immediately.

Once Minghao was on the ground he smiled, "happy are we?"
"haha yeah" said Junhui smiling again, he was so happy to see Minghao again after a long time

"And why is that?" Minghao asked

'Because i love you' thought Junhui

"Because you're a close friend of mine" Junhui quickly said
"Oh, okay" Minghao said with a laugh. Junhui sighed as the two boya walked to school

"So tell me what i've missed" said Minghao looking at his feet as he walked
"Nothing exciting... but you did miss Vernon setting a book on fire in Science" Junhui said casualy

Minghao just looked at Junhui, "why did you say that like it's normal?"
"because i'm friends with him and i expected something like that from him"

There was a small silent until Minghao said "Do you know who this Jun person is in school? My friend Wonwoo got bullied by him for 2 years and everybody is afraid of him and i want to confront him" Minghao said

"Um no, i don't know him, sorry" Junhui lied, 'I must keep this a secret, he can't find out' he thought.

Wow an update finally, oops i'm sorry it took long, plz comment and vote on this chapter :)

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