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Your P.o.v
~Crime Scene~
“Okay, Milady you can look at the scene now. Just don't touch anything that would cause our results to be mixed.” Looking at the main detective of the case, you lean down and look around the now day-lit ally.  "Let's see here, there is a beer bottle smashed around him which is why there is a small trace of Alcohol on his clothing.  Also since there are no witnesses, that we know of, it could mean Raven did the crime when no one was around."  You observe the scenes main attraction, “They slit his throat from left to right, most likely showing that he didn't either know or see his attacker before his death.”

Looking at the wound you think aloud, “They must have used a semi sharp knife to make it seem like he clawed at his torso in agony." Looking up from your now bloodstained dress you  could tell that Earl Phantomhive was about to be sick. "I'll stop now." You mumble under your breath looking away from his stunning eye.
"Thank you." The Earl choked out, feeling unsure about how ‘innocent’ this girl actually was. He was amazed at the description she just made about a quiet gruesome scene, for a girl, especially for a higher class member of society like themselves."I thought she would have been innocent and pure." The butler, whose name was Sebastian,  mused and Nicolas scoffed."Of course Milady is innocent and pure, she just gets a bit to into these scenes. It can seem like she is influenced easily but she is just a curious young woman with a lot of potential in this industry." You lift the stained dress as you take a few steps back, letting some interns of the police force get the body to transport it. “So is that all, Mr..?” You trail off waiting for an answer from the blonde, middle aged man. “Philip, Phillip Anderson.”

Feeling a burning sensation on the back of your neck, you turn to see Nicholas staring at Mr Anderson with an expression you know all too well. “Nicholas, can the Earl come over for tea? It would be such a shame for the cake you made to go to waste.” Your butler looked around in a daze before replying, almost like he had been overwhelmed by something. “Yes he can, if he wants to. Sebastian can you help me with the selection of tea since you know what the Earl prefers?” Phantomhive just stares at the butlers. “Earl Phantomhive, can I call you Ciel? It is so much less of a mouthful to say and we are both under the Queen so we might as well get to know each other.” You inquire, being very blunt because you don't sugar coat the truth. “Thank you Miss (Y/N) I will come for tea. You also can call me Ciel in private, but not in public. That could ruin my reputation as the Queen’s Guard Dog.”
Looking away from the incredibly dressed Earl, you turn towards Nicholas. “ Is my chariot ready?” Nicholas looks you in the eyes: a flash of red stares at you. “Of course, Milady. Shall you be taking your own carriage there Earl Phantomhive or will you be coming with us?”

~Time Skip~
“What a lovely view Miss (Y/N), the meadows are blooming with flowers.” Sebastian complemented the acres of luscious plant life that surround your mansion for miles. Ciel looked unsure about the slightly bumpy ride which causes pebbles to be thrown around after them. “Nicholas?,” you say in a really upset voice; sounding like tears are going to spill, “why didn't he do the roads like I asked him to last week?”
Ciel looked over to the girl in a dove-like dress with a look of disgust: waiting for the temper tantrum to start. “He has been away sick Milady, he had his surgery done on Tuesday to help him monthly. He is still recovering but Amanda said that he is doing good: recovery wise.”  
You look up with tears in your eyes. “I'm so proud of him!!!” You squeal with happiness, confusing Ciel. “What are you talking about, Miss?” Sebastian asked curiously, completely oblivious. “He is a WHO not a WHAT you stupid butler! How disgraceful you-!!” Ciel looks at you roasting his Demon butler to a crisp. “Milady, To be completely honest, I wasn't looking forward to this little tea party that you set up..” Looking at the Butler’s red eyes with a devilish expression, you turn the the Earl; threatening expression gone but replaced with a disappointed one. “However,” You turn facing him, “Now that I know we are more similar than I thought we should get to maybe know each other a bit better so we can understand each others thinking patterns, does that make sense?”
To any normal person that would sound strange, but you aren't normal. “Absolutely Ciel! I know you have won 98.5% of your chess games so you would, of course, be a strategizer! How didn't I see it earlier??” you look up in embarrassment, garnet flushing your cheeks. Ciel smirks at you for a second, then if was replaced with his usual seldom expression. “We are here, Amanda will take you, Milady and Earl, to the sitting room while Sebastian and I sort out your tea’s. Any questions just ask Miss (Y/N) or the staff.” Hopping out of the chariot gracefully you lead Ciel Phantomhive into your home.

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