Part 3

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I waited on the front steps of the walkway, enjoying the nice ocean breeze.  It was cool with the smell of salt mixed within it.  The sky was blue, with the big yellow sun sitting in the middle, and no clouds to be seen.  Urie's flowers were in full bloom, decorating the wall with reds, blues and whites.  It was around the forth, and Urie loves to remake the bed for the holidays coming up.  He even did a pot of the same color patters, that sit in the middle of the kitchen table.  It was part of his job around the house, to maintain the flowers. 

We all had different jobs around the house that we did daily.  Urie's is the flowers. Mage takes care of the matenence of the house. If something breaks or does something weird, we would go find Mage, and he would take care of it.  He's pretty good with it too.  Shiki's job was to scare the telemarketers away.  Whenever we get a call from different salesmen, we would let Shiki answer it.  No one knows what he comes up with, but the people don't call back after, so he does a good job.  Rem's job was to make sure no one was fighting.  When someone fought, we would call Rem and he stops the fight, physical and verbal.  One thing that I learned about my brother was you don't get him mad. It wasn't plesant.  Roen was the helper around the house. He would bounce back and forth between people, seeing if there was anything he can do.  He mostly helped me out, seeing how my missions were getting more complex.  

The Sakamaki's also helped around the house.  Reiji would help me cook and make sure everyone had enough to eat.  He makes good meals and there adjusted to what people like.  For the Sakamaki's, he puts a little blood in the meat.  They didn't really drink it anymore, unless they left the room.  Ayato, aka Yours Truly, doesn't really have a job.  He pretty much walks around the house annoying people, and destracting everyone.  To take care of that, I send him to do anything that comes to mind.  Laito has the job of babysittidng Yui and making sure she was safe.  I didn't know what to give him, so it was just somethign I came up with to get rid of him. Kanato had the job of dusting the livingroom. It alwasy got dusty, plus he liked holding the little figurines on the shelf. It was a job that he didn't mind.  Shu didn't really have a job, so I make him clean a different room each day.  He does it when I ask him too, but he gives a aditide doing it.  Subaru had the job of making sure Shu did his work.  He woke him up and followed him, then come tells me when his work was done.  I know that Shu was the oldest of the Sakamaki's, but he didn't do anything unless you hound him.

For safty measures, Lindo and Ritska live in the bulding next door, and they had their own set up.  Yui moved in with them, seeidng how our place was full. We sent her with Lindo and Ritska, to let her have a break from the blood draining.  I'm trying to get the Sakamaki's to stop drinking from humans, which was harder than expected.  Since the housing change, she's been a lot healthier and looked less pale too.  She seems to be doing well with them, so I just left her in Lindo's care.  I trust him enough to take care of her and she seems to like it there.   I didn't have a job around the house, seeing how I was too wrapped up in the office with missions.  I was the person everyone mainly left alone, unless they really need something, or someone was getting off hand.  If I had to come out when I didn't want to, it wasn't pleasant.  Too be honest, everyone was scared of me when I yelled.  That's why the house is still in one piece. If you were to give me a title, I was like the mother of the household, always making it a loving, peaceful home, which was hard to keep it that way.

I was reasearching infomation on the Mukami's, getting more knowlege on what I am dealing with, when I heard scratching at the door.  I stopped typing as I got up and answered, to find Roen standing out front.  "Sorry to be a bother. Do you need anything?  Food? Water?" he asked in a silent tone. I smiled as I spoke.  "No, i'm too busy at the moment. But thanks for checking up." Roen nodded as he continued to stand there.  He looked like he needed something to me.  I sighed as I leaned up against the doorway.  "Something wrong?" I asked him, making the tone in my voice sound worried. He shot up suprized, like he realized that he was doing it.  "I'm sorry Ava. It's just, your so busy and everyone is getting worried.  Reiji said you could get sick."  I looked at him in shock, like he told me I was going to die or something.  "Oh, sorry.  But i'm fine, don't worry about me" I said with a smile.  Roen nodded.  "Sorry for disturbing" he said as he walked down the hall.  I shut my door as I sat down and got back to work.  

I started to read up on the mission as my phone rang.  I picked it up as I thought of someone checking up on me.  "Hey Ava, you have a minute?" Kyouya said from the other end of the line.  I sighed as I thought.  "Not really. Is it an emergency?" I asked, thinking something was wrong over at the school.  It wasn't like him to call like this. They knew that I was busy at this point.  Somethings defiantly wrong.  Kyouya  sighed as he thought.  "I think so, it's about Honey" he said, finally.  I stopped as I pulled out a note pad and a pen.  "Now I got a minute" I said as he chuckled. He cleared his throat before speaking.  "Honey's been acting more sleepy then usual.  Last night, in the middle of the work hour, he fell asleep."  I took notes as he spoke.  I wrote down about his behavour from the description.  I sat there in thought, as I remembered one of my binders.  "Can you hold for a second?" I asked hoping he could.  "Yeah, if you need to" he said, as he waited.  I put the phone down as I got up and went to my closet.  In my office closet, I kept binders of the different symptoms of different things.  It was a huge list that had things like the common cold, to vampire and wolf bites and scratches.  I pulled that binder out of the closer and walked back to my desk.

I put the phone off hold, hearing him talk to someone.  He huffed out of frustration. "I don't know where Iris is at the moment, and we've don't have time" he said, trying not to flip out at someone.  "Alright Kyouya, what's going on?" I asked as I opened up the binders.  Kyouya huffed as he spoke.  "Ok, he's been a little sleepy lately. He's been taking more time to sleep then anything" he explained.  I thought for a moment, as I stopped looking through the binder.  "So, he's mimmiking Tomaki basicly?"  He chuckled as he spoke.  "No.  He just want's to sleep all the time, and when he is, he doesn't really wake up."  I took a minute to take the infomation in.  I looked out the window as I thought of what he was explaining.  It sounded familuar to me.  Then it clicked.  "Does honey have any marks on him?" I asked, hoping it wasn't anything serious.

"Hold on for a moment" he said as he muffled his voice.  "Can you check?" he said in the distance.  "We don't have time to find her, just check him for marks" he said sternly.  Man he sounded so like Reiji, no wonder the two got along.  They were both montherly. Finally, after freaking out to the person, he came back on.  "There's seemed to be a few red dots on his wrist" he said, breaking the silence. I flung up as I thought.  "Do you mind if I come over? I need to look him over myself" I said, as I shut the binder shut.  "Oh that would be great.  Thanks, and sorry for taking time away from you" he said in relief.  I smiled even thought he couldn't see it.  "No problem, I'll be there soon" I said as I hung up. I grabbed my bag and packed the binder and my laptop, then walked out the door.  "Roen, i'm going out for a while. Inform Rem" I said, walking out as he was comming in.  "Yes Ava" he said as he went to do what he was told as I left.  I grabbed my knife, and walked out the door.

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