Part 8

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The next morning I sat on the window sill, looking out to the outside world.  It was a sunny day but still cold. The wind slowly creeped through the window, making the room colder than it was.  The wind felt like ice on the window where it sat.  The sun was rizing on our side of the house, making the sky turn pink, then blue. The light beamed into our room, brightening it with a orange and pink blend of colors.  The car was parked in front of the house undamamged and not moving.  It was off, but I could tell it was ready for the day.  I sighed as I turned to look around the room.  Honey was still in his bed, sleeping silently.  We had a little of a rough night last night, so I knew he was tired. He was curled on his side, resting his head on the pillow and the blanket wrapped around him. He looked so relaxed, so I hope the Mukami's don't wake him. I sighed as I looked out the window, and slouched on the sill.  I was waiting for someone to come and start our day.  I was prepared for anything that they had us do.

I looked up at the sky, watching the fluffy, white clouds drift over the sun. The clouds looked like fluffy white marshmallows, that you could just jump on.  It made the world below a little shadowy but it eventully uncovered, making the sunlight glow yellow again. The outside world looked so peaceful, so relaxing like it was asleep. I huffed as I tried to get comfortable, but it was hard. I couldn't get comfortable, being in the home of the enemy.  I didn't trust them enough to sleep. I heard moaning from inside the room as I looked over, seeing Honey shift in his bed.  He sat up rubbing his eyes, as he woke up.  He looked a little tired still, but also got a lot of rest. He looked at my bed as his eyes bulged open fully.  "AVA!" he yelled as he panicked.  He looked scared again looking around the room, then at me.  "Something wrong?" I asked, thinking it was a bad dream or something.  He yawned before speaking.  "Sorry, I thought they took you out, or you left" he said, more awake now.  I looked out the window as I huffed.  "No, they didn't come up yet. How'd you sleep last night?" "Better" he said as he yawned again.  I smiled at the thought of it. He probably felt safer with me too.

Suddently, a knock came from the door.  "Hunter, can I come in?" Ruki's voice came from the other side of the door. It didn't sound mad, just wanting something important from us.  Imedantly, Honey curled up into a ball and scooted to the corner in fear.  I looked at him as I spoke.  "Yeah" I answered back finally.  Honey clenched his pillow as he looked at me, now shaking.  The door opened as Ruki walked in.  "It's going to be fine" I told Honey, then waited for what to do next.  Ruki walked by us towards the window.  "How you guys sleep?" he asked, more to me than Honey.  I sighed as I looked out the window.  "Good" I said, trying not to make anything difficult for him.  Ruki nodded at my answer.  "That's good" he said as he turned to Honey.  "How did you sleep?"  Honey didn't say anything, just glaired at me in fear. I sighed as I crossed my arms.  I kept quiet but gave him a look that said it was going to be ok.  "Good" he said quietly.  I could tell in the tone of his voice that he was afraid.  He was getting ready to escape, I could just tell.

Ruki nodded as he turned towards the window.  "Will you both join us for breakfast" he asked walking out of the room.  He stopped in the hallway as he turned towards us, waiting for a answer.  I looked over at Honey as he gave me another look of fear. "Yeah" I said as I got up from the bed, and went to Honey. Ruki smiled and walked away, letting me do what I needed to do. "We're going to be fine.  I'll let you know if you can have it" I said to him.  Honey nodded as he scooted off the bed, and we both followed Ruki out to the kitchen.

We joined the boys at the table, as everyone sat down.  Honey stayed close to me as much as he could.  Ruki was across from me, and started staring at me, which was a little aggravating  He fixed eggs and toast for breakfast with a glass of tea, by the looks of it.  The four of them started to eat, while Honey and I waited.  Honey looked at me, waiting for me to tell him about the food.  Slowly, I picked up a egg and toast in one bite.  They didn't taste anything funny, so I knew it was safe.  I looked over at Honey as I nodded, giving him the ok and then he started. Yuma looked at me a little funny.  "You think we'd poison the kid?" he asked, as he ate.  I narrowed a glare back at him.  "I will protect him no matter what. Even if he has to starve a little" I said, angrily.  Yuma shrugged then went back to eating.  I picked up the glass of tea as I smelt it.  It was a strong tea, that smelt like mint.  It was good for the smell, but I took a sip to make sure.  It tasted as it smelt but it had a little taste, that shouldn't be in tea.  I couldn't put my mind to what it was, but I knew it wasn't good.  I looked at honey, as I felt my eyes feel heavy. 

"Honey, don't drink the tea" I said in a low tone of voice.  Honey looked up at me in confusion as he chewed.  "Did you say something, Ava?" he asked after he swallowed.  I looked at him as I pushed a spoon off the floor.  Yuma looked at me as he griped.  "That wasn't lady like" he said as he picked up the glass next to him.  "Sorry about that" I said as I bent down to grab it.  I came up slowly to whisper to Honey.  "Don't drink the tea" I said, sternly.  Honey nodded as we continued.  Ruki looked up at him, then me without saying a word.  I looked at him in anger as he smiled, then went back to eating.  Honey and I stopped eating at the same time.  I got up as I stepped out from the table.  "Thanks but I'm full.  Coming Honey?" I said as I got up, and looked at him.  Honey nodded as he did the same and we walked back to our room.

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