Chapter 13

117 4 3

Nick's POV

The door opened slowly, my eyes refused to break contact with the door. I've never been so scared in my life. When the door opened all the way I faintly saw a fur...not a friendly one. He was a wolf with black fur and purple eyes. He was just as buff as Tyler. The wolf walked over to me slowly. With each step my heart beat sped up. I felt like I was going to have a heart attack.
"Who are you...please let me go"
I could help the tears fall from my eyes as fear was surging through me.
"I'm afraid that won't happen" the wolf spoke
"You see everybody in the school knows that you date one of the best college football players in the country...and well...we don't like to be know as the school with a fag star football player, so why not just dispose of you" he says with little to no emotion"?
My mind was full of questions but that was the least of my worries. The wolf  pull out I knife.
"Please stop please" , I cry
The didn't care and slashed my left leg...I cry out in pain. He continues to slash at different parts of my body. The cuts weren't big,but by the time he was done there was blood all over me. I slowly loosing vision. Before I fell unconscious I remembering hearing one phrase.

"No fags allowed "
Then everything faded to black again.

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