Chapter 13

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Heeey … I love you.

The story is getting closer to the end, I can’t tell you that exactly, though, because I have my chapters planned out any maybe I’ll combine two when one gets too short.

I have too many ideas and stories. I mean I have so many ideas and I’m afraid to have too many stories here, that’s why I put all my new ideas to @LarryModestlyTrue.

If I keep going like that, my 300 Follower Special will be a 400 Follower Special. Just slap me and make me do my shit, that’s why I’m typing this on my lazy day.

Anyways, hope you’re good.


Two months.

It had been two fucking months since Louis had brought Harry ‘home’ again. Two months since his parents tried to find Louis again. Two months to hear of the death wishes his parents had on his boyfriend. Two months since Harry saw Louis.

A week ago Harry had gone to the pharmacy and bought a pregnancy test. He had said that it was for his best friend who didn’t want to go. Actually, it was for him.

And Harry’s hopes had come true: after he used it, in the small display appeared two blue stripes. He was pregnant.

He made sure that his parents didn’t notice that he slowly grew bigger due to being two months along. They would ask him who the father was. And how could Harry tell them that the love of his life and father of his unborn child was the most wanted contract killer in the whole UK?

He just looked like he had eaten a bit too much right now at the moment, but the bump would be more noticeable when Harry was farther along. And he couldn’t move out because his parents didn’t want him out of their sight now, not until Louis was caught.

Unfortunately, Louis didn’t have a phone number or even a mobile. Mobiles were able to be found and then it was over for him. He always used payphones or stole other people’s mobiles.

Harry just missed him, as well as Niall, Zayn, Liam and Perrie. But Louis was something different than the four others. Harry’s heart felt like a hole, dead and broken.

He was afraid that if he told his parents that he was pregnant from a one night stand, they would look for the non-existent person or make Harry abort the child or anything. And if they allowed him to keep the child, how would Harry tell them why they didn’t have another father?

(A/N: Pause, here was just a tiny earthquake, my whole room shook. Since when are here earthquakes!? Apparently it’s the second this year. Woopsie.)

Currently, Harry lay on his bed, shirtless, one arm under his head, the other hand stroking over his small baby bump. He sang quietly to it, imagining what it would be like when the child was born.

Suddenly, Anna slammed the door open and walked over to Harry’s bed frantically with shining eyes and a huge smile. Harry placed both hands over his tummy, lacing his fingers together, secretly pretending that they were linked with Louis’ instead of his own.

“Why are you so happy?” Harry asked with raised eyebrows.

“We got him,” Anne said smiling as she sat down.

Harry’s eyebrows furrowed. “What are you talking about? Who did you get?”


Harry’s heart stopped as this name left his mother’s mouth and he stared at her, sitting up, still with his hands over his tummy.

“What!? Why? How!?” Harry asked.

“It’s amazing, isn’t it? But actually, he told us where he was. And that he gives up. He sent us a tape. You can watch it if you want.”

Harry nodded and changed into a jumper and jeans before he went down into the living room where his father was phoning someone, probably Zayn’s parents.

Harry sat down on the couch and his mum gave him a laptop to watch the tape. Louis’ face popped up on the screen, tired and bloodshot eyes as if he’d cried. Harry’s heart tightened.

“Hey there, Styles,” he said but his voice sounded smaller. “This will probably be a great day for you. I’m willing to give up if you leave my siblings alone. They never did anything wrong, it was all me. They just wanted to protect me.”

“No …” Harry breathed.

“You’ll probably find me easily now, huh? I don’t care. If this means that the ones I love are safe, I’ll do anything. I’d walk over oceans for them. See you, Commissars. Bye.”

Louis saluted at the end of the video before the screen went black.

“Can’t believe it, the monster has a heart,” Harry’s father laughed scornfully.

Anger made Harry’s blood boil. Before he could stop himself, he exclaimed, “Louis is no monster!”

His parents stared at him with wide eyes and Anne stepped forward, placing a hand on her son’s shoulder as she said, “Harry, what are you talking about? This boy is a monster, he killed so many …”

“So what!? There are people worse than him! Louis is no monster, he never was and he never will be! He’s just a broken boy who needs someone to love him and to fix him.”

“You talk about him like you know him,” Des said coolly with raised eyebrows.

“Well, I do. I know him better than you will ever do. I know every little thing about him, the way he hides behind a cool façade to not seem weak due to his height, the way he drinks a lot of tea when he thinks, the way he cares for the ones he loves. How he would give everything up if it meant that they were safe,”

“What are you talking about, Harry!?” Anne said, her voice getting sharper.

“Do you really think I came back here on my own will? Louis is no cruel killer. He is an incredibly sweet and caring boy, that’s why he brought me back.”

“Harry, you must be really confused. Be honest, what did Louis do to you?”

Harry wanted to explode. His parents didn’t even understand or listen to him when he told them the truth. He didn’t say anything but walked to the door, put on his shoes and walked out, ignoring his parent’s shouts.

He knew where Louis was. He knew the room, it was a hotel room in a small hotel where he, Niall and Zayn had crashed after their graduation party where they had drank too much to drive home.

He had seen the defeated light in Louis’ eyes, and the gun lying behind him on the bed. Harry expected worst so he sped up as he raced down the street towards his destination.


Hi, bye.

I don’t even know what I wrote there.

Hope you liked it.

Thanks for reading.

Vote and comment, maybe?

I love you.

Kisses, Vic :*

Death Is My Love (Larry Stylinson AU Killer!Louis) {Mpreg}Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora