Time to go

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I ran through the woods as fast as I could,the tree branches scratching my arms and legs,leaving small marks on them,but I didn't care.The girl I had seen looked all too familiar,I had to tell Jeff.
I continued sprinting until I came across the dirt path the led to the cabin Jeff and I had been living in.I stopped for a second to catch my breath and looked around.I felt like someone or something was following me.Actually,I didn't feel it,I knew it.I just did,but I could do nothing about it at the moment..I just continued running.Soon enough,I was able to see the small cabin.I sprinted towards it and ran inside.Jeff,who had apparently arrived before me,jumped up and turned around to face me,tightening his grasp around his knife threateningly."Calm down..it's just me.." I said while panting,trying to find my breath.You'd think that after all these years of running and going out for killing I'd have developed a bigger stamina,but sike-I had not."Jeesh-you couldn't have walked in more calmly,could you?You scared the living shit out of me!I could've killed you right there and-" he stopped himself,obviously seeing how panicked I was "Hey,are you okay?" I straightened my back slightly and shook my head "What happened?" I stared at him for a second before replying with a simple; "Shit happened." He tilted his head "Like?" I sighed slightly "I..I think I saw someone...someone we might know..I don't..maybe we do,maybe we don't..I mean-" "Just say it!" I shrank back slightly,I hated it when he shouted like that."This girl!Well..at least I think she was a girl,she looked like one but I don't want to assume-" I stopped myself,seeing the impatient look he was giving me "She had a black wig,a black dress and black heels...and..and a mask!I caught a glimpse of her face..it was burnt..mutilated..but it seemed so familiar!Somehow.." Jeff seemed actually interested in what I was saying,for once "She reminded me of that girl we once knew..when we were around 13..what was her name..I think it was-!" He cut me off "Jane." I tilted my head,he remembered."Yeah,her.." He came closer to me "And how did you meet with her,exactly?"

Why does he care so much?

Because..maybe she is dangerous.You wouldn't know.

"She stole my kill!" I pouted slightly,pretending that I was hurt "I see.." He looked down,it seemed like he was thinking about something "I thought she would have been dead by now.." He wasn't talking to me,I could tell that..but how?why?when and where? "Last time I saw her she was so skinny..she should have died from hunger by now-" I felt weird.Almost,jealous.Almost. "What do you mean?" He stared at me,dead-serious "It's time to go." I tilted my head "What do you mean?" he grabbed me by my arm,tightly.I winched a bit at the pain "Let's go,we have to leave." I couldn't say anything..I couldn't disagree,So I just nodded.

"Alright.Let's go."

I know this is a tiny chapter,but I had no inspiration.I have to tell you some things.A decision I made,basically.I'll write about it in a separate chapter,alongside the cover results <3.Please bear with me

thanks a ton

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 27, 2017 ⏰

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//UNDER EDITING// Save Me A Spot In Hell {Jeff The Killer χ Reader}Where stories live. Discover now