Loving the one you hate 2

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Loving the one you hate (Part 2)

Kagura ran out feeling uneasy cause of the weird feelings inside her stomach."I'm probably hungry..." she shook the thoughts.

Reaching her destination she knocked..

"Hey old man!!Oi!Come out!"

Kagura screamed..

"Yes milady?Have you already realized that you love him and are you asking for a potion that will revise the spell?!" The old man smirked..

"What the hell are you saying?!The sadist is acting like crazy...and...and...I think....I also drank sone of it..because we kinda.....a...ki...ki..k-" she stammered..

"We kissed..and then!I suddenly felt this strange feeling!Chill running down my spine,red tinge cover my hotten face and..and weird feelings around my belly!!Is that the poison's effect.." she paniced..

"What the hell young lady!You really don't know,what your saying?!" the man tched..

"What do you mean?"

"He means that you already fall in love with me"

"With whom?" when she turned around,her so called 'husband' was right there standing,eavesdropping by there conversation..

"What are you doing here you sadist!??" she pointed her index finger towards him..

"Eh?Did you also gave this person the potion you gave me before?" Sougo asked the man..

"Well Yes!But wait...are you her husband?"

"Yes I am...anyway that trick won't work to us because we aren't a normal couple.." Sougo wrapped his arms around Kagura's shoulders...

"What trick are you saying sadist?" Kagura was completely confused..

"Well,he thought that if you gave the potion to the person you despise everyday and after you took care of him,you'll realize that loving that person weren't so bad after all" Sougo nodded..

"What!?That style was so lame man!" then kagura nodded...

"But..but...Awww..!That didn't work but.....Now you already know you actually like him..." he winked..

"What me?Like?Him?Psshhh!That will never happen.." Kagura swayed her hand back and fort in the air..

"Really China?" Sougo blowed to her neck..

"Sadist can you stop doing that!!"

"I'm not doing anything..!" he put his hands on the air..

"C'mon lets just go home!This place reeks.." Kagura stomped out..

"Wait" But before she could totally run off..Sougo pulled her to a hug..


"Kagura..." then her eyes widen..

"Did you just said my name?"

"Is that your name..?"

"Heck yeah sadist!I'm your wife and yet you don't know my name?!!"

"My wife?"


"Then can you kiss me?" he smirked..

"Wha- No!"

"Why..?You said your my wife!"

"What are you thinking?" he added....

"Its just....I now you don't like me.." she looked down..

"Tch..You don't have to like a person before you kiss them.."

"Then ***k off sadist!I don't want to be kiss by some strang-"

*Smooch* "Sweet" he muttered between their lips

As far as he know,he's been wanting to do this..

She was dauntless and active...and that made Sougo atrracted to her.

"You need to love them" ....

>>>THE END<<<<

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