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(One-Shot) Angst/Family


Okita Sougo,now in his 20's..placed a kiss on his wife's temple.

This was his morning routine before going to his workplace..

"Hey sadist,Don't leave me" his wife muttered,half-asleep..

"Tch..China missing me already.Don't worry I'll be back before dinner,Better cook something good later.." he respond while pinching Kagura's cheeks..

She hold his hand-placed on her right cheek- and said..

"Don't think Highly of yourself sadist!Anyway..Can you buy another ice cream?Aoi and Sora seems to like it!"

"Okay China,I'm going..I don't want to be late,hearing

Hijibaka-san's nonsense lecture is enough to give me a headache.." He replied standing up but was caught by Kagura..

She wrapped her arma around his neck tight and said.."Be careful on your way,the car keys are in the drawer.." she let go and Sougo sniffed at her hair before proceeding to the kids' room..

When the door slightly opened,the two stumbled and run to their father...

"Bye~Papi be cewfuw!" Sora hugged and nuzzled on her father's stomach and Sougo hugged the-petite baby form of his wife-back..

Aoi then cupped hands with his father and said.. "Hey,Can you blow Jijibaka-san's ( Totally calling Hijikata wrong neh? Gomene~) head for me?"

"Gladly.." he winked..

Before Sougo could close their door,the two shout and added "Don't forget our ICE CREAM!Strawberry!No,Chocolate!!."

Sougo smirked to himself and mumbled.."Yeah..Yeah,You to really are like my china.."


The dinner was ready and the three were just waiting for the other one to come home..

"Tsk..How long is he going to waste my patience?!He said that he was gonna be here BEFORE dinner!!" Kagura slammed her hand on their glass table..

"Stay calm mommy,remember Sora-chan we asked daddy to bring us home some Bargain Dash.So maybe he was late because of that" Aoi explained,turning his head to his younger sister and Sora nodded..

"Well..yeah,You're right" Kagura patted their heads,proud with her kids..

Speaking of the sadist,the door creaked open and came their Papi..

Their children rushed to him and welcomed him..

"Papi~Mommy made our favorite Pork Ramen and some beef!" Sora jumped,her eyes full of excitement..

While her brother,Aoi,just asked his dad to lean down for him to reach his ears..

"Dad,You better not tease mom right now..She's probably pissed about you goin' home late.." he pointed to their frowning mother..

"Neh,,she just missed me,that's all" Sougo smirked and and directly walked to where his disappointed wife was.He went to her back and huggged her behind,

"C'mon don't be like that..Look!I bought you these only for you!"

Sougo pulled a box (sukonbu pack) from his bag and Kagura was delighted,she got it and hugged her husband..

Sougo gave a thumbs up to his children and the two gave one too..

"Stupid sadist.." Kagura murmured on his chest and blushed when Sougo said.

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