Prologue: Mysterious Virtues

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Juyeon raised a hand in front of his eyes, blocking the blinding sunlight. He wasn't exactly a morning person, and he hated intense lights, but they were in a hurry. They had to find him at as soon as possible.

The boy sighed. He'd probably give up by now, considering they didn't have anything besides their gifts - or curses, according to his younger best friend - to reach their goal. But it was exactly because of his... gift that he had so much hope. He could feel it, he could feel him. He knew he was around somewhere, and that he'd be vital for something he wasn't sure yet. He wasn't the only one, but he had an important role, and more importantly, Juyeon knew he was in danger. He had to be found soon.

He heard metallic noises behind him and didn't need to look at it to know who the new person on the roof was. He could sense his presence.

"You got it?", he asked, to which Chanhee nodded coldly. In one of his hand was a drone, in the other, its controller. Juyeon smiled teasingly. "You don't need that."

Chanhee rose a brow. "What, the controller?", he rolled his eyes at his same age friend. He would punch him if he didn't have both hands busy, walking next to him quietly instead. "You do know I need to concentrate to make it work, and we might need it to fly out of my range. We have no idea where he is except he's in Seoul, and it's huge. We could stay here all day in vain."

He positioned the drone on the floor and initiated it, the white machine floating in a matter of seconds. He then handed the device to the slightly older boy.

"Wanna control it or do I do it?"

Juyeon stared at Chanhee. "You're better at it than I am. I'll just tell you if I feel something."

He nodded, and the drone flew away.

He nodded, and the drone flew away

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"You spaced out again, hyung."

Sangyeon opened his eyes slowly. He was at Kevin's, him and the foreigner kid practising some of their songs out of boredom. They were looking for a guitarist and had found one person who might be perfect for the role, yet the boy was a bit late. Very bad first impression.

He touched his face. He's been doing it a lot, spacing out randomly and even sleeping sometimes. It was weird, he slept perfectly well, yet he felt tired all the time. Maybe it was because of their intense practices, he had considered. But it felt too much for that, so there must be--

Oh, yes, he's been... having those dreams. He wasn't sure of what, the pictures in his mind were so chaotic. There was so much yellow, so much red, but he didn't manage to find some familiar shape. He was sure at some point the colours went dark though, it was creepy, in a way. He was certain there was more in it, maybe some important detail, but he never managed to look at it. Or, if he did, he didn't remember it once he was awake.

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