Chapter 1: Before the storm

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important: some other idols will appear in the story (not only in this chapter) and some will be bad people. it does NOT mean I hate them, nor that they are, irl, shitty people. I just need a face to imagine scenes in my head, if that makes sense?, and because of that I used other idols of other groups I like.


August 1st, 2006.

Sangyeon looked at the two new faces by his door, more specifically, at the young boy staring back at him. It made him feel weird, his entire body went cold. It seemed like a warning, his intuition telling him to close the damn door and avoid him like the plague because there would be no good outcomes. Staying by his side was no good.

"Hyungseo-yah, stop staring at your new neighbour and introduce yourself, silly", a woman said casually. Probably his mom, Sangyeon assumed.

The kid blinked and stared at her. "It's Kevin", he protested in English and the woman silently gave him a glare.

"We're in Korea now, sweetie. Get used to it."

The older boy blinked at it, not understanding a single word.

The boy - Hyungseo? but he didn't seem to like the name... - rolled his eyes. "Do you maybe speak English...?", he asked, still using the foreign language, looking hopefully at the other but after a few seconds, it dropped a bit. He kept smiling, however, switching to the other's mother tongue. "I thought so. Hello, my name is Kevin--"

"You're Hyungseo."

"--and I'm from Vancouver. But don't worry, I can speak Korean too, see? Since my family's Korean and all", he smiled sweetly. "And what about you?"

"I'm", he cleared his throat. Why did it feel dry suddenly? "I'm Lee Sangyeon. And I, uh, am eleven. You never said your age so I don't know--"

"Oh, oh yeah! Sorry, guess I'll never get used to it", he laughed at himself. "In Canadian age I'm eight, but I guess here I'm nine? Born in ninety-eight."

He nodded. "I'm your hyung then."

The foreigner stopped a bit, thinking about the elder's words. He looked at the woman, who said something low the Korean kid didn't hear. Kevin then nodded at him in agreement.

"Uh, is that all? My mom's off to work so I don't think I can call her now or..."

"It's okay, we did come by without warning. We just wanted to step by and say hi."

Sangyeon smiled at her, not really knowing what to say next. The two new figures soon left though, but not before leaving him a jar of homemade cookies. He didn't get why, but it was good.

Well, it was just new neighbours. Nothing else to think about this... encounter, he supposed, ignoring his intuition.


January 10th, 2007.


The young boy stopped what he was doing to look at the old man by the door. "Yes?"

"What are you doing out there, son? And why is your leg-- Bae Junyoung!"

"It's nothing", was his quick response. "I mean, I just wanted to see the birds nest so I climbed up--"

"And now you're all hurt", he spoke softly. "Come on kid, you're going back to Canada in a week and if I don't bring you in one piece to your mom she'll come with you next time to give me a lecture."

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