Chapter 4: Twisting, quietly

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His dream has changed. Sangyeon did not know how exactly, as he often only remembered flashes when he woke up, but he was certain that something was off, because his dream definitely has changed.

For starters, it didn't go into the chaos right away. He somehow knew that, usually, his dreams - or should he call them nightmares? - would always begin with chaos. Be it people in panic, somewhere in ruins, or a morbid scenario. Either way they always started badly, and it remained bad until the moment he opened his eyes. A true nightmare.

This time, however, Sangyeon remembers feeling safe. Maybe some kind of joy too, as he was with a group of people who seemed friendly, and he had the feeling he knew them somehow. Maybe it was Kevin and some other people, or maybe it was just that they've seen them in his dreams before. Maybe it was both. For some reason he couldn't remember any of their faces, but he was sure there were around ten others with him. Or was it less? It felt crowded, so it was probably around ten, plus himself. Or maybe the place they were in was too small for them all, them all in a small house or apartment. He could only remember flashes and laughter, it seemed like they had all gathered at someone's house and had fun by themselves, and for once he enjoyed whatever dream he was having this time.

But then, as if there was a breaking point in it, the house went dark. It wasn't like a blackout, it felt more like someone had turned the entire sky off, letting only a faint light from lamps somewhere in the living room make the place visible. There was something wrong with one of his friends, he couldn't see their face but he simply could tell. Their hands were locked on their hair, their body cringing forward as if they were in pain. Some of the others were panicking at the scene like they knew that whatever happened afterwards would be bad. Some were just confused, but Sangyeon just wanted to help them to stop suffering. He didn't know how, but he didn't get the change to anyway because he found himself stuck in place, he couldn't move a muscle. Maybe he should scream instead, but not even that part of his body wanted to move.

One of them moved towards the one in pain - who maybe was shining? Sangyeon wasn't sure, except that a weird light had at some point started to shine next to them -, and for some reason this new person was calm. They seemed to know what to do, arm now slowly making its way to the other.

But then it touched their shoulder, and Sangyeon remembers the light getting brighter, a loud explosion sound meeting his ears and he felt some force pulling him backwards. He should have closed his eyes, but for some reason he decided to fight the urge and stare at the duo who were now---

"Earth to Lee Sangyeon?"

He blinked a few times, mind returning to the real world. Yeah, last night was one of those nights where his dreams - or should he keep calling them nightmares? - became really vivid and bother him for hours. It was afternoon and he was out with his two Canadian friends yet he was stillthinking about it. Maybe it'll bother him for days this time. It made sense, it was so vivid this time.

"Is he alright?", he heard someone whisper to Kevin and-- oh, yeah, Younghoon was here with them too. He forgot he was around, he was so quiet and... observing.

The youngest, for some reason, ignored him and kept his attention on his childhood friend. "You spaced out for a while, and you seem tired. Are you okay, hyung?"

"Yeah, just-- the same as always, you know."

Kevin nodded, but Jacob tilted his head. "What do you mean, the same as always?"

The two long time best friends shared a glare. Sangyeon wasn't the type to be super open to friends he just recently made and although he really liked Jacob he was a friend of only two, nearly three months. And there was also Younghoon, whom he met less than a month before. He was definitely not telling him, even if he seemed just as harmless as the other ninety seven liner. He shrugged. "It's nothing to worry about, it isn't that serious."

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