Chapter 4: A day in the snow

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Edward POV

The next day came around and we went on a train to Briggs. Envy was so bored.  He kept asking me over and over if we were there yet.

"Edward, are we there yet?", he whined once again. I glared at him.

"Envy, I swear if you keep asking me that I will lose my top", I stated.
Envy smirked.
"So sorry Mr.Pipsqueak", he mocked.

"WHO ARE YOU CALLING A PIPSQUEAK?!", I yelled. He laughed while the other passengers glared at me. I sighed.

Finally the train stopped and we reached our destination. The whole town of Briggs was covered in snow.

There must've been at least 5 inches of it. Envy smiled.
"So what do we do first?", he asked.

"Well perhaps you should wear a coat or something first", I suggested as I looked at his clothes.

"Why would I need to do that?", he asked.
"Well you might get sick with a cold or something", I replied. 

"Ha! I can handle a little freezing temperature. I won't get sick", he boasted. I rolled my eyes. I'll just let him learn the hard way.

"If you say so, what do you wanna do?", I asked. He gave a wicked smile.
"I say we go sledding, thats a fun human thing right?", he said. I nodded.

We bought a sled and went up a tall hill. Envy sat in the front.

I climbed behind and wrapped my arms around his waist. 
"You ready?", he asked.

"Hell yeah", I replied. 

Envy pushed us starting and we slowly started to go down. Then it got faster and faster. Envy cheered as we went down. I smiled. He was a little kid. So freaking adorable. Then we started to lose control.

"Shit, this is bad", he stated panicked. Then we screamed until we hit a large clump of snow that stopped us.

Getting up we looked at each other. Then we just burst into laughter. 
"That was great", I stated.

"Hell yeah. One of the best things ever", Envy replied.

Then we both made snow figures. I had to hold in laughter as I went to get Envy.
"Whats so funny?", he asked.

When I showed him what I made his face went like this. (-_-)

I had made the best snow palm tree. As I fell to the ground laughing I noticed he gathered a small bit of snow in his hand. Then he threw it at my face.

Smirking I got up and did the same. 
"Oh this means WAR!!", Envy stated. How it ended? Lets call it a tie.

The end of the day we got a hotel room that had a nice fireplace and a cozy atmosphere. Envy smiled warmly at me.
"Thanks Edward, I had a lot of fun", he stated.

I smiled.

"I had fun too", I replied. I turned around the corner to put some stuff away and I heard a faint sneeze from the other room.

I smirked. "Yup. He'll be sick tomorrow. I warned him", I said.

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