85. "The Talk"

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🍔Cass🐝: "The Talk"?

🍔Cass🐝: I don't understand what is "the talk"?!

ThePieMan🍕: I hate to break it to you Asshat, but my Dad already gave me the speech😉😉

Samsquatch🥗: ...

Samsquatch🥗: And yet you still made a child


🍔Cass🐝: Dean has a child?

Samsquatch🥗: Not anymore, Emma's dead, but still...

ThePieMan🍕: I'm telling you: IT WAS AN ACCIDENT!

ThePieMan🍕: I never meant to build a child!!!

GaYbe🍭: First of all, "build a child" isn't a sentence you can use you dipshit,

GaYbe🍭: Second of all, sorry to break it to ya, but so were you

Samsquatch🥗: 😂Ouch...

GaYbe🍭: And lastly, that's not what I meant by having "the talk"...

Satan😈🖕: Are you talking about what I think you're thinking of saying and after typing the whole shit-storm here because you're too coward to say it IRL?

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