Holiday Miniseries Season 1-Chapter 1

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Based of off Escape The Night a lot like a lot a lot!

Once there was a man name Garroth he was missing for months and nobody knew what happened to him but the survivors... Aphmau & Aaron. The evil of the house have been contained, or so Garroth believed. But it had found a way into the cracks in his soul, and there it festered & grew, until an even greater evil began to call it... Taking Garroth through time, to another era, and to another den of evil.

The door shuts and Garroth groans holding his stomach as his the veins turn red as fire as Garroth drops to the floor.  Screaming some red thing and smoke comes out the evil flies out as he was still screaming the evil circled the ceiling going to a staff.. Ein's staff, as it traveled to a purple gem she looked wicked and scary...

Author Note!
This is the one! If you never watched Escape the Night you're lucky cause it's just a copy of it but a little different. Also, here characters! (I did most of them randomly and even if Aphmau And Aaron seemed to be in last season of Escape the Night for the kinda description I gave off they're here too)

Joey-Garroth|The Savant
Wicked Witch- Female Ein|???
Tyler-Dante|The Thespian
Liza-Kawaii~Chan|The Explorer
Lauren-Nicole|The Engineer
Andrea-Lucinda|The Duchess
Gabbie-Katelynn| The Vaudeville
Jesse-Travis|The Outlaw
Alex-Zane|The Novelist
Tana-Tatiana|The Saloon Girl
Destorm-Gene|The Railroad Tycoon

Tell me if you want me to change any of this peace out! *Chapter 2 will come out tomorrow or Monday. All I need to know if you wanna change anything about characters and then we start!

College Roomates (Zane X Gene)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora