A Box for Him

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"Willow, do you really want me to do this?" I asked her, seeing her smile from ear to ear.

"Well, I know that he will be surprised! I am his best friend, so I want to see what he will say." She simply chuckled while she held a thin red box in her hands.

"And I'm your brother." I bluntly answered. "What is the difference?"

Willow shrugged. "Eh, I don't know! At least Aleks has his office down the hall, and everyone left the office." She replied, not helping me at all.

"Wow, I have so much support." I sarcastically replied, rolling my eyes to emphasize my point.

She slapped my arm, which actually hurt. "Don't pull your famous sarcasm on me, Seamus. I can add a knocked out Sly as a witness." She pointed over to the meeting room, where I saw Sly sleeping peacefully in a chair while his head was on the table.

I groaned. "Fine, give me it then."

Willow pushed me the box in her hands, full of cheep Drug Store commercial chocolate. "Good luck! I'll be down the hall, checking if Sly is actually asleep or dead." I can see why she worries, I couldn't even hear Sly snore from here like I usually am able to.

I sighed, walking slowly from my office to the office at the end of the hall, the one occupying my crush, no, my love. Aleks, even how exotic his name sounds makes my heart melt like a teen girl. The only two that know about my crush is Willow, my little sister, and Ze, who is all the way in Arizona for college.

No one else at the office knows I like guys, being completely gay at that. I'm surprised that I haven't been attracted by any of them other than Aleks now.

Girls never charmed me, except for when we got really into it. That's what Ashley and I did, unfortunately. At least she broke up with me a few months ago, now I can see if Aleks likes me back.

When I made it to the door of Aleks' office, I saw Willow smiling while giving me a double thumbs up to encourage me. A lump grew in my throat when my knuckle was only inches away from the door. I gave two light taps on the door before putting my hand back down, regretting what I had just done.

I heard Aleks get up from inside of the room, then dropping multiple items in his office. "Fuck, hold on!"

I panicked, palms growing sweaty and my breathing growing shorter and shorter by the second. I just placed the chocolates in front of his door and quickly ran out of the office. Luckily, I only brought myself and Willow. Wait, fuck, she's still in there. Do I really want to go back in there now?

Willow's POV

I saw Seamus leave in a flash, just before Aleks opened the door. "What a pussy." I muttered to myself. He maybe tough on the outside, but he's soft like the dough boy in the inside.

"Who's a pussy?" Sly asked me.

Shit, did he hear me and Seamus earlier then? "Nothing~" I sang while walking up to Aleks, who seemed to be confused about the box. Instead, Seamus grabbed me and pulled me out of the office. "What the hell?" I asked him.

"We are going home, NOW." He exclaimed while pulling me out of the office building.

Aleks' POV

I was in the middle of editing First Five when I heard a few knocks on my door. When I got up, however, everything decided to fall on the floor. "Fuck, hold on!" I told whoever was at the door.

When I finally was able to open the door, no one was there. I looked down and couldn't believe what was in front of me: A small red box. I picked it up, inspecting that it wasn't a sick prank pulled by James or Sly. I was more than surprised when I opened it, it was full of chocolates.

Who would give me chocolates? I saw a small note attached to the lid of the box, so I ripped it out. I was way more than surprised and confused when I read what it said.


I like you. Like a lot. I had no other way upon saying this. I may have chickened out, and I'm sorry about that. I just wanted you to know that I like you, and do you like me back?

Love, ------

The name at the bottom was crossed out, of course. "Hey, what's that?" Sly popped out of nowhere to make me almost shit my pants. "Oh, did I scare you?"

I shook my head. "No, I just found this at my door."

Sly awed at the chocolates before taking one for himself. "Oohhhh! Someone has a crush on you!" He sang in between his giggles.

I slapped his arm. "Shut up! The problem is I don't know who wrote it."

Sly took the note from my hands, reading it thoroughly. "I recognize the handwriting, but I can't put down who's it is."

"Of course you fucking can't!" I scoffed. "Was anyone here other than you?"

Sly thought about it for a moment while chewing at the chocolate. "Dark chocolate with carmel, tasty. And Willow was in the meeting room with me when I woke up from my power nap, and she left not too long ago."

I was shocked. Willow, my best friend, might have a giant crush on me? "R-Really?" I asked.

"Yep! Anyways, we should be getting home." Sly yawned. At least I was living with him for one more week, then I'm moving in James.

"Alright, I need to get my mind off of this anyways." I was tired myself, not really knowing how to react with my best friend, also being Seamus' little sister, be in love with me. How would Seamus react when he finds out?

A/N: So, new story yay! This may turn into a short story as well, but I'm not sure yet! Comment if this should be a short story and if you like it so far! (if you don't I won't be mad)

The next part will be posted next Sunday, and I will do weekly updates until the fourth part since I wrote up to there so far! Alright I must go now BYE

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