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I waited outside of his office for a few minutes, not sure about what to say when I knocked. Of course, I knocked without thinking out what to say, fuck. "Yes?"

"Hey Seamus," I could hear the silence in that room in record speed. "Can I talk to you?"

"Um sure!" He sounded nervous. "Hold on." A minute later he opens the door for me, which I thought was very polite of him. "What do you need?"

He sat down in his own chair while I sat onto his spare seat. "Well." I went silent as I moved the seat closer to Seamus. His pale cheeks started to turn into a faint pink color, weird. "I found this note last night in front of my office with a box of chocolates."

I held the note up to Seamus, who tensed up at the sight of it. "Well, do you, um, know who wrote it?" He refused eye contact now, just looking at the floor, wall, or my hair.

"No, I thought it was Willow, but Dan told me this is not her handwriting." I said calmly.

Seamus boomed into a fit of laughter at the name of his little sister. "Willow is your best friend, she loves you like a brother! I don't think she can even find a reason to think of you otherwise." He said.

I chuckled along with Seamus. "Yeah, I feel stupid for thinking that now." How was I going to say this to him? "I asked the other guys if they wrote it."

"Oh you did." Seamus interrupted me, for one, and two, his voice was higher than usual. What was going on with him?

"I asked everyone, and they said it wasn't them. But they recognized the handwriting." I finished my explanation.

Seamus was sweating like crazy and his cheeks were almost red, wait, don't tell me. "So that leaves me." He whispered.

"Yeah," I said bluntly. "Did you-" I couldn't finish what I was going to say as the most unbelievable thing happened.

Seamus' POV

I knew I was in trouble when I came to the office today. Within minutes, a few knocks were at my door. "Yes?"

"Hey Seamus," I went completely silent at the sound of his voice. "Can I talk to you?"

"Um sure! Hold on." I replied before opening the door to let him in. "What do you need?"

I sat down in my own chair while Aleks sat onto the spare seat that was in my room. "Well." He went quiet while trying to move the seat closer to me. I hope he can't see the blush that was developing on my face. "I found this note last night in front of my office with a box of chocolates."

He held the note up to me. I couldn't help but tense up at the sight of it. I regret that I even tried to give him the box and note. "Well, do you, um, know who wrote it?" I couldn't look at him in the eyes, shifting my gaze to certain parts of the room until I looked at his hair.

"No, I thought it was Willow, but Dan told me this is not her handwriting." Aleks explained to me.

I couldn't help the laughter that came out of me. He thinks Willow likes him, as family sure, but as a lover, NOPE! "Willow is your best friend, she loves you like a brother! I don't think she can even find a reason to think of you otherwise." I said.

He chuckled, which sounded adorable. "Yeah, I feel stupid for thinking that now. I asked the other guys if they wrote it."

"Oh you did?" I cut him off, with my voice sounding very high. Fuck, by the look of his face he heard my voice change as well.

"I asked everyone, and they said it wasn't them. But they recognized the handwriting." Shit, shit, shit, I'm so screwed.

I couldn't help the sweat that covered my face and my blush deepened to a deep pink, almost red. "So that leaves me." I squeaked to say.

"Yeah," Aleks said awkwardly. "Did you-" I didn't let him finish what he was going to say as I clashed my lips with his.

I could feel him tense up at the feeling of the kiss. Nothing was really happening, but I felt something happen while we kissed. He didn't deepen the kiss, nor did he pull away. He just kind of stayed where he was while our lips were touching.

I stopped soon after, embarrassed at what I did. We both stood up and left my office, walking our separate ways. I heard his office door slam before I left the office. I ran out of the building and into my car, which I locked.

I sat at the driver's seat while thinking what I just did for a good few minutes. I hope he got the idea, but at the same time I didn't want him to get it. Tears slipped from my eyes slowly, coming out faster by the moment.

A tap on my window snapped me back to reality, seeing Willow outside. "Hey." She said carefully as I rolled down the window. "What happened?"

I opened the door and flew myself at my sister, and cried in her arms. She was a few inches shorter than I was, so it wasn't too awkward to cry on her. "I don't want to know what I did." I sobbed.

She soothed me while rubbing my back softly. "It will be alright, maybe we should go home now." She insisted.

"How? I am too upset and you can't drive." I said.

She laughed. Her laughs always made me feel better about anything. "Guess we will have to walk to the town and hang out then." She gave a good idea.

"Ok." She held my hand like I was her toddler son. I didn't mind, this was Willow's way of helping people. It was in her blood.

We are two very different people Willow and I. She caring, sweet, and smart, while I was rude, stubborn, and very sarcastic. Aleks would be better off with her. If only I didn't fall in love with him so he can be with her, she deserves someone to love her properly for once.

A/N: SORRY THIS CAME OUT A DAY LATE. Hope you liked it otherwise~ Now I must go, BYE!

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 09, 2014 ⏰

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