The Hunt for Six Slashes

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Aleks' POV

I still suspected Willow as the person who gave me the chocolates, and the conversation we just had seemed to point more to her than anyone else.

Sly and I went to work in a rush, not having any willpower as to why we are going fast. I think the note got us both wanting to know who wrote it.

"Hey Aleks, Sly." Dan greeted us when we came in. A confused look was on his face as he saw the stress and confusion in my eyes. "What's up?"

"This." I dug the note out of my pocket. "That was left for me with a box of chocolates last night after everyone left. My guess is that Willow gave it to me."

Dan shook his head while reading the note. "Well, one, that is not Willow's handwriting at all. Two, Seamus would've killed the both of you for being in love with her."

I was confused at what he meant, but I was relieved that my best friend didn't love me. But, it pained me a bit at the same time. "Thanks."

Sly and I went into his office, needing some privacy to soak in what Dan said. "So, not Willow's handwriting." Sly began.

That only meant one thing. "One of the guys at the office gave it to me." I concluded. I gave Sly a weird look to show him that I wanted him to talk.

"Oh! Well I was asleep when it all happened, and I was with you wen you first got them. So it either has to be Jordan, who's married, James, but he's just James, or Seamus, who I think is still upset about his breakup with Ashely."

Wow, three choices, maybe two, but still confusing that one of the guys like me. "I will just have to talk to each of them." I said.

"Jordan's already here so you can start with him." Dan chimed in when he entered Sly's office.

He did scare me, I'll say that. "Did you hear all of it?"

"Yep, now go ask him before I ask Jordan for you!" Dan joked before heading for his own office.

I sighed, walking two feet just to make it to Hordan's door. One loud knock and he was at the door, his smile and red cap along with him. "Hey Aleks, what's up?"

"I, um, need to talk to you privately real quick." I said. "If that's alright of course."

Jordan gave out a small chuckle before stepping away from the door. "Come on in." When I sat down, he became from naive to serious in a snap. "So, what seems to be the problem?"

"I found this note with a box of chocolates left for me last night, and I was wondering if this is yours." I handed him the note to read. Jordan looked at it for a long time before he gave it back to me.

"Well, I recognize the handwriting but its not mine. It is someone's handwriting at this office however, but I can't seem to tell who." He told me.

"Exactly what Sly told me." I replied.

"Sorry, better ask the other guys." Was all he could say now, being useless.

"Thanks for your help." I kindly responded before leaving the office.

Seamus and Willow weren't here yet, and I don't think James was here either. Until, a loud booming voice echoed around the whole office. "HELLO EVERYONE!"

James was here now, I thought, walking to his office. He walked up moments later, confused at what I was doing here. "Wow, early much?"

I chuckled slightly. "Blame Sly. But I need to talk to you real quick." I said to him.

"Fine then, come on in." James let me enter his office, which had a lot of offensive and sexual drawings along the walls. If he ever record in here, everything will have to be censored.

"Wow, like what you did to the place." I said

"Why thank you Aleksandr." James replied with glee.

"Wait, let me correct myself, I love what you did to ruin the place." I smiled at my comeback, which worked perfectly.

"Fucker, what do you even want?" James asked in his annoyed tone with me.

I handed him the note. "Someone gave me this with chocolates last night, is it yours?"

James shook his head. "Nope, not mine. I'm not gay, Aleks."

I sighed with frustration. "It's not like everyone else here is gay! Like, aren't we all straight? And if we are, why did I get this note from one of us?"

"Could Willow be a choice?"

I shook my head. "Dan said that's not her handwriting and that's the handwriting of someone at the office." I placed my fingers at the temple of my nose. "I'm going to my office now."

When I left, I just stood in front of James' door for a good five minutes. A pair of fingers were snapped in my face, surprising me from my dazed state. "Hey." Willow smiled at me.

"Oh hey, you're here." I smiled back. "Does this mean that Seamus is here as well?"

She nodded. "Yep! I have to go talk to James now, bye!" She sang while entering James' office.

Well, looks like Seamus is the last one I need to talk to. Did he really give me the box of chocolates? Or is someone really just messing with my head.

A/N: AUGH! I'm busy, expect low updates, my new computer loves downloading things without my permission, I'm mad at it, and so I'm done with life until this weekend, BYE

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