I'm not gonna drink again

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  Stephanie's POV

Ugh, I'm never drinking again... well until the next party. Christina is holding on to me for dear life and I'm doing the same to her. I can't remeber the amount of shots I had.

- Chris, remember again to never let you convince me to go to a party- She laughs slightly making sure a smirk appears after.

- Sorry, but I told you I'd drag you to another party if you didn't stop studying.

- One of us has to- Chistina fakes a gasp and Stephanie smirks- Besides I hate to get drunk.

I wanted to get to a place where we could atleast sit down and rest. As I see a park, I drag Chris over, she's almost passing out and I don't know how much longer I can do this.

I carefully place her on a bench and as soon as she touches the dark wood bench, she crashes as I try to walk and sobber up, seeing as we are not in the situation where we both could be drunk. I see a car approach us, my brain tells me to run along with Chris, but I feel the vodka set in and suddently my feet are stuck. A tall man gets out of the car, he uses a grey uniform with hair that goes in all directions, and he stares at me with his brown eyes... please don't be a killer. He looks at me first and then at my so gone friend who snoozes by my side. As a grown up who is going to talk to a small child, he bends on his knee to Cris's level and I smile, as my 3 cups of alcoohol take over my body.

- Are you guys okay? My name is Matthew but you can call me Matt or Matpat.

 I let out the most forceful laugh I have ever done in my life, making him jump. Way to go Stephanie!

- My... name is Stephanie- I hiccup and he giggles, making me get red- This...is...Chris, my bestest friend. Are you going to rob us? - Suddently I feel my eyes water, stupid vodka.

- No miss, I just want to help you- he speaks softly... I like his voice 

- What do you do? What is your job?

- I am an eletrician

- A magician! - Matthew opened his mouth, wanting to say something, but immediately closing - Can you do a magic trick?

  Matthew looked at me, looking a little embarrassed. I couldn't take my eyes off him as he started looking for something in his pocket. Well, that, and the fact that he was actually... really cute? My body was alarming the danger of the situation, to no avail, considering I could barely keep my eyes open 

Matthew shrugged a little, trying to find whatever he was looking for in the pocket of his jeans

- Well... not exactly that, but I do know a few magic tricks...

Matthew's POV

 I watched as she looked at me with the excitment of a kid at a candy store. I looked for something I could use, because, for some odd reason, I didn't want to disappoint her. I search in my pocket hoping for a miracle , thankfully finding a pile of cards from my game earlier with Jason , how cliché.

- You ready?- She nooded, her eyes now watching the pile of cards in my hand- Pick a card please

  I watch as she picks the queen. As I finish the trick, she stares at me in surprise, her eyes are now glowing.

- I know this is weird, but I need to take you somewhere safe miss, can you tell me where you live? Or the house of someone you know? 

- I don't remember, Chris probably would remember something since she get's drunk more often, but as you can see, she's in cloud nine - We both glance at her friend, who snoozes peacefully -But I am a fully grown woman, who's drunk and maybe also in cloud nine, so... I don't even know what I'm saying

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