We've got tonight

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Stephanie was stif, she hadn't seen Matthew in a long time, well, since they broke up, and there he was, looking handsome as ever. His brown hair was beginning to grow longer and the bags under his eyes were darker, but the tired look in his face gave her a feeling he was overworking himself again.

It was Evelyn's wedding, the friend her and Matthew had in common, she tried, for many years, to bring Stephanie and Matthew together again, but after many fails she gave up, who could blame her? They couldn't be in the same room without arguing. So many arguments ended up in a painful breakup, a week before they got married.

She knew he had seen her, it was also unberable for him too, he was just as broken as she was, through friends she knew he tried to move on, God knows she tried too, but no man was her Matthew. Her heart was racing, the urge to talk to him, ask him if he was ok, how was his life going, hear his problems and comfort him, it was killing her.

They both glanced at the mini-stage positioned in a wall, two teenagers were positioning themselves, adjusting the microphones and saying small things. The band was ready, both stopped, the boy took a step to the front, taking a deep breath before singing.

I know it's late, I know you're weary, I know your plans, don't include me

She looked breathtaking. Matthew couldn't stop himself from looking at Stephanie. Her green dress complimented her curves and made her look way more mature. Her hair was in a braid, he noticed a few red strings of hair, he had never seen it so clearly before, it was like she was a new person.The boy looked at the girl who was on his left side, she stepped to the front.

Still here we are, both of us lonely. Longing for shelter from all that we see.

Why should we worry? No one will care, girl.

Look at the stars now, so far away

She noticed he was looking at her. Her mind told "no" , but her heart told her "go, you want him"

Instead of doing what her mind told her, her feet started to move, towards him. She gulped, it was too late to back down.

We've got tonight. Who needs tomorrow? We've got tonight, babe, why don't you stay?

She couldn't do it, not with him, she tried to race to the bathroom, but he was quick, before she could escape, he grabbed her wrist. "Wait, please let's talk Steph" She was startled with the nickname, the way he said, it was almost like he cared for her, almost. "Why should we?" She asked. "A dance, just one dance Stephanie. One dance and I will leave you alone." She sighted, it was never easy discussing with him. "Matthew..." The name came in a whisper, like she was scared to say it. "I'm begging Steph, please." She bit her lip before nodding.

Deep in my soul. I've been so lonely. All of my hopes fading away. I've longed for love. Like everyone else does. I know I'll keep searching after today.

Their hands met, their eyes never left eachother. Moments later, his hand were on her hips as he stared deply at her eyes

So there it is, girl. We've got it all now. Ande here we, babe. What do you say?

As the music intensified, both couldn't stop staring at eachother. Stephanie caught herself wishin' they never left eachother and sighted as she was confused of her feelings. Matthew wished that the dance never ended.

I know it's late and I know you're weary

Matthew gained courage. "Steph?" he said softly. She nodded her head as if she was listening. Does he have to be so damm handsome.

- Could we go outside, to the balcony? To... you know... talk?- he felt his body tense
- Would be best- She gladly took his hand

I know your plans don't include me

- Steph, I missed you. I tried to hold myself in, but I can't. People make mistakes...
- So you're saying I made a mistake by breaking up with you? Matthew...
- We had our heated moments Stephanie and I'm sorry that you had to be so full of our arguing to breakup with me
- It just wasn't the right moment for us...
- What do you think about starting over?

Still here we are. Both of us lonely, both of us lonely

She inhaled, still confused. Should she? Would she?

Matthew dropped her hand, what was the use of trying? You lost her Matthew, forget it  he scolded himself

We've got tonight

- Matthew...

Let's make it last

- We've had our bad and good moments Steph. We've both matured and changed, for the better. Please, just think about it. I don't want to give this up yet.

Let's find a way

- You just can't listen to me can you?- She smiled - Yes, maybe this can work

Matthew came closer. Whispering in her ear:

- Turn out the lights

Stephanie gigled before joining

- Come take my hand now

In perfect harmony, both sang to their significant other

- We've got tonight babe, why don't we stay?

Stephanie layed her head on Matthew's shoulder

Both smiled, admiring the beautiful night it was, while the song came to it's end

We've got tonight, babe, why don't we stay?
Author's Note:
I'M BAAACCKKK!! Probably no one missed me as I was gone for so long, but man am I glad I can write again. Ollie's born and Matthew's hair is now green and red, so many big news. Anyways, I was very busy from school and unfortunately I had to focus much more on my grades, but don't worry. I have many new ideas for stories and for sure ain't nobody holding me back. Merry Christmas guys ❤❤❤

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 15, 2023 ⏰

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