Just want to clarify something

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Hi friends. As the title says, I want to clarify something. Hope you understand!

Note: It's not for any particular person, its for my all friends.

Friends, I'm gonna complete 6 months on Wattpad soon. It's really so kind of all of you that you made me feel welcome.

I was feeling a little hesitation to introduce myself to the others. Will they like me? Will they accept me? What if they find me foolish? The thoughts like this had kept running in my mind but I'm glad I did. I made many lasting relationships here. I found my family here.

But the thing I want to tell to all of you today is if you have any problem about me, then tell it to me. I've never want to offend anyone. I always afraid of losing the people I deeply care for. If I do anything that offend you, if I make any mistake, if I've created any problem, then feel free to talk to me directly about it instead of telling it to the others or keep it bottled up.Because its me who needs to fix the problem, not the others. I'll try my best to fix that problem and I'll even apologize if the fault is mine. I never ignore or got angry on anyone except they make me to do so. It's so difficult to find a good friends and its my good luck that I have all of you in my life as my best friends. No matter I never seen anyone of you, no matter I've never heard your voice, no matter how far you are from me. I just love you all so much. I maybe foolish, clinche, or imperfect. But I really love you all and I don't want to lose any single one of you. I care for you and I'll even fight for you if needed. I'll remain at your side forever, I promise.

Have a good morning / afternoon / night!

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