Reaction on Avengers : Infinity War

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WARNING : If you haven't seen Avengers: Infinity War yet and you're allergic to spoilers, stop reading. This post has more spoilers than Thanos' chin has wrinkles.

"No resurrections this time," he had said.

At your screening of Avengers: Infinity War, you probably had just barely settled into your seat when the official movie death toll began ticking off names minutes into the film.

Before going to watch the movie, I was prepared for at least one character to die, but I didn't know who, or when, or how that would happen. But as expected, Avengers 3 ended with the heartbreaking ending of half of all life in the universe. Thanos finally got his wish and used the Infinity Gauntlet for The Snap.

I watched in horror as everyone from Bucky Barnes and Star-Lord to Teenage Groot and Spider-Man faded away to dust.It is likely anyone who died this way will somehow be saved.

Almost everyone who died in the Snap is part of the current crossover into Phase 4 of the MCU. Spider-Man, Black Panther, The Guardians of the Galaxy and Doctor Strange are all expected to headline further movies. Bucky may well cross into the Black Panther franchise. It's the others I am worried about, the four characters who died at the hands of Thanos and his black order: Heimdall, Gamora, Vision and....Loki.

In next post, I'm gonna talk about their death and especially, Loki's death, as I'm a die-hard fan (um, maybe more than just a die-hard fan). It was supposed to be written in one post, but I found it was too long so I divided it between two post. So friends, let me know what do you think about it. And until then.... Namaskar! (a traditional Indian greeting or gesture of respect, made by bringing the palms together before the face or chest and bowing.)

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