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I update way too much. Anywhore,

I'm only doing this bc I don't have the balls to pm this to her. And so there's a chance she may or may not read it but maybe she won't and idk yet if I want her to or not??? I'm not even gonna tag her.

Well, see, there's this gorgeous girl.

Like, gorgeous.

*tiptoes creepily around my kitchen quietly whispering* 
g o  o  o r g  e  o  u  s

Isn't there always a girl lmao


she doesn't hate me!!!!


even though I've given her 58382 reasons to.

This is the happiest i've been in god knows how long

It's like a giddy, start-giggling-in-class-for-no-apparent-reason type of happy where it can quickly become hysterical, RIP

you're so pretty.

just saying.

I'm sorry.

For everything.

I mean it.

I don't care if you're sick, I don't care if you're contagious, I would kiss you even if you were dead [PTV]

I'm just happy

Maybe I'm too happy

Ignore me

my name might be maddie 0.oWhere stories live. Discover now