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"Raise a glass to the king!" 

"To the king!"

 "To our benevolent king, for he will rid Milan of the poison which bleeds thick in our providences. For he will bring the rightful duke to power." 

A tall scrawny man stood up top an oak colored, circular table with a half-full glass of moonshine raised in a toast. "To the duke, and his ignorance. To his beautiful daughter, which will one day grow up to be a fine lady, with fine things to offer." 

The room erupted with laughter, the distorted faces surrounding the man caused him to feel prideful. "I'm a damn good fool, if I may say so myself," he whispered among the drunken uproar.

 "Trinculo you ignorant tool, step down from there before you hurt yourself."

 Trinculo turned around, tripped over his own feet, and landed on the floor with a thud. He quickly stood, and wiped himself free from any possible contaminations. "I'm sorry, King Alonso of Naples, but isn't this a celebratory matter? You will finally regain control over Milan, good sir."

 Alonso scoffed at the man at the other side of the table. "Oh, believe me, I am joyous to finally take over, I was just mocking your idiocy. Oh, Trinculo, you'd make a fine jester someday, am I right fellas?" 

The room once again erupted into a chorus of laughter. The king hushed the room before clearing his throat. "Sebastian! My brother! Approach thee with the prize!"

 The room fell silent as Sebastian entered, slamming into the front door as he dragged a snot covered, screaming, blonde, little girl beside him. Sebastian, clearly irritated, jerked the girl's arm, which only resulted in more screaming. 

"Wench! Do you ever hush up!" 

Alonso stepped towards the two, and carefully took the girl's hand. "Sebastian, there is no reason for such harshness. Miranda and her father will be punished enough once I get done with them. How did she fare with Ferdinand?" 

"Well, brother, they seemed to enjoy each other's company," replied Sebastian.

 Trinculo laughed. "Maybe your son, Alonso, will be the grand prize winner one day."

 The king turned and walked towards Trinculo. "Stop with this nonsense! If the guards stormed in at the right time, Prospero will be at this palace anytime now, and we must be prepared to-" 

Suddenly, the door swung open, and two heavily armored guards sandwiched a horror-struck Prospero. 

Alonso turned as the guards threw the scholar to the ground, his nose busting as it collided with the wood. "Ah, Prospero! The ignorant man of the midnight hour! How bid thee? Did you enjoy my surprise waiting for you outside of your palace?"

 Prospero looked up, his hands flooded with crimson as he covered his nose. "Please," he pleaded through ragged breaths, "please don't hurt Miranda. She's my light, the only thing in this world that keeps me from the darkness."

 Alonso signaled for the guards to stand him up. "What a folly for you to think of me doing such a deed! I could never hurt a precious wench like her. As a father of more than just my own son, I understand how scary it is. But what I don't understand, is how one can abandon something so precious; something so significant, and not give a damn about it. I mean, if you were a true duke, Prospero, wouldn't you have cared for your dukedom? There's more to raise than just your daughter and your intelligence, good sir." 

Prospero flared his nostrils. "And what business do you have with Milan? This isn't your providence."

 "Oh, but it soon will be, for I know just the right people and information."

 Prospero shook his head. "And who would that be?"

 The wooden door behind the men crept open, stretching its hinges. Prospero turned to the door, and a familiar silhouette stood in the frame.

 "A-Antonio? Brother, what are you doing here? Oh, nevermind that, help me! Please! I have taught you the ways of the kingdom, shown you the law and order. These men have accused me of treason, but I have done nothing! Oh, brother, I beg you!" 

Antonio looked at Alonso, and Alonso nodded. "Release him." 

The guards let go of Prospero and stood beside the king. The frantic scholar now stood in front of Antonio, hands on his brother's shoulders.

 "Please, Antonio. Help. M-Miranda." 

Antonio shook his head, refusing to look at the crying girl. "I'm afraid I can't do that.

""But why?" Prospero desperately cried.

 "It's what's best for Milan. My people need a strong leader."

 "My people'? I think you are mistaken, for Milan is mine."

 Antonio sighed, fake pity spread across his stone cold face. "Not anymore. Once you're lost at sea, Alonso has promised me your dukedom, as I have promised him a large sum and the never subservient Milan under the control of Naples."

 "For the love of God Antonio! How do you know this man won't try to usurp you and take over both providences?"

 Antonio stepped forward, breathing in the same tense air as his brother. "At least he can attend to his duties as a servant of his kingdom."

 The air between the two only grew thicker as Antonio continued. "At least the both of us want to be in our positions." 

Trinculo burst into laughter behind all the men. "Oh you tell em'!" 

Antonio scoffed and set his jaw. "You taught me well, brother, and one key tip you told me was how to tell a leader apart from a folly."

 Prospero's eyes flooded with tears as his face grew hot with blood. Antonio pointed out the window towards the moon. "Oh would you look at that. Midnight is upon us. I suggest we hurry before the people wake."

 The guards crept behind Prospero, once again holding him hostage. "I-I trusted you, brother. I trusted you to run my state, which is now the most powerful in this land. You promoted many of the right officials, and many of which are now traitors sitting in this room. I shared my income. I gave you my trust. But now I see you are just some face of fake royalty. Once the people discover your evil deeds, they'll make you pay. I'll make you pay."

 Alonso laughed. "How so, you will be lost at sea! Oh you poor soul! You can't do anything!"

 "By the name of God I swear on my own daughters life I will find a way." 

Trinculo howled with laughter as he once again stood up top the wobbly table. "Good thing she's going with you then!" 

The room was a storm. The sounds of the traitors laughing drowned out the cursing from Prospero. Miranda screamed in terror as Antonio picked her up. She watched her father thrash around in the arms of the guards, desperately reaching for her. Prospero accidentally punched one guard square in the jaw, knocking him to the ground. This resulted to the sound of bone hitting bone as the other guard hit Prospero over the back of his neck, not quite knocking him out. Antonio rolled his eyes, and spoke to Alonso over the screaming child.

 "Make sure they both get on the boat, alive."

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