A Hero

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Antonio laughed as he watched Prospero clumsily dance to the boat which waited at the docks. 

He held Miranda, and the four, including Alonso, rushed onto the ship which sailed towards a small island in the lost waters where Gonzalo waited with a feeble boat. 

Prospero, who had passed out on the ship, was set onto the boat with Miranda in his lap, and they were pushed into the sea. Miranda's red eyes met Antonio's emotionless tar ones as she disappeared into the morning fog, never to be seen again. 

Alonso and Antonio were left standing on the wet sand, watching the water collapse on itself as Gonzalo paced with worry inside the ship. 

Alonso bit his lip, guilt began to creep up his spine. He stared ahead into the fog, and asked Antonio, "Where is your brother, Prospero heading?"

 Antonio scoffed. "I don't know," he replied. "Am I my brother's keeper?"

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