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The sun was nearly set. The bright sky's dark shades are going to come out of it's blending. The grass and hay stalked the moving breeze as it's frosty temptertures didn't bother to drop. However the sky didn't cry any tears tonight.

The bricks kept standing strong, just like they always do. As the wind tries to tumble the grey frozen things to the soft dirt.

The woman casted her eyes at the window. Her whole body started to tremble then sighed as she turned to lay her eyes on her daughter.

The woman casted her eyes at the window. Her whole body started to tremble then sighed as she turned to lay her eyes on her daughter.

Who chuckled quietly. Her mother tried to smile. The daughter knew something was wrong. "You must be tired mama, do you need a nap?" the seven year old offered.

"I know you're worried about me dearest Gem," the mother whispered sweetly. "But I'm fine." It was a lie, she wasn't alright. The daughter frowned. It wasn't really simple for Gem to identify her mother's secrets.

After all, Gem trusted her mother. She taught her daughter almost everything. Since her mother wanted to let the daughter to go to a private school. Simply she couldn't afford it. But she refused to get a scholarship for her daughter.

"Mama?" Gem questioned. That innocent voice snapped the mother back into reality. Gem held out a book there was quite a lot of pages. The cover wasn't as thick neither dusty.

The mother smiled as Gem hoped into bed as her mother tucked her up and started reading out loud.

As the story finishes, Gem was already sound asleep. The mother lips curved upwards and kissed her daughter on the fore head. The smile didn't wash away.

When footsteps and tires were herd. The mother rushed out of the house. Blocking the main enterance to her home.

"I told you for the last time you can't take her!" she warned the vechile. A Person strode out of the vechile.

It was a woman, her skin was unsimilar to the mothers early night coloured skin. The woman's skin colour was tanned as well as the colours of a daylight chesnut. Her dark brown coloured hair froze completly still as her hair tie grips her ony tail. Her glasses still reveal the ice colour in her eyes. The colour of nothingness still shows on her winter coat underneath covering the sciencetest uniform. What really stood out however, was the label on her winter coat. It was the colour of a light red rose. The main points attached to each other, but they didn't reveal themselves. The shape was rotated sideways. The captail "R" letter on each triangle was the similar snowy colour to the coat.

"You have your part of the deal," she began speaking. "And I grab mine!."

The mother didn't believe that her own daughter, was a living weapon. At first the mother thought it was a little tour of the Red Ribbon army base for a good deal. But when the plans were spilled at the end of the "grand tour." She spilt out of the base with Gem.

The mother had to calm down in some way. She inhaled deeply "Really?" she replied "Why didn't you become more specific when explaining the deal?."

"That's not my point," the woman replied. "I wasn't the one explaining the deal." The mothers rage was unmanageable. She leaped of the earth and kicked the other woman and she landed on her booty. Since she was being attacked in the chest. As the mother was about to finish her a big boomy voice shouted "WAIT!." As a man stepped out of the van.

He was quite old for his age. His beard was just as long as santas. His white cloak covered his clothes, he had the smiliar double R logo on his coat. The icy wind made it's enterance then escaped. It was the mother who broke the quietness.

Piccolos Daughter (A DBZ Fan Fiction) (CANCELLED/COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now