The Birth Of Two Best Friends (Part 2 Of Prolouge) (THANKS 4 THE 400+ READS!!!!)

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The early sun was rising while the sky takes away the pinkness in itself. Today's calmer than the storm that recently occurred last night. The household in the flat green grounds near the waterfalls, was often quiet as a mouse as usual.

Chaotsu was strangely up early this morning. He was about to resume his slumber. But the slumber was interrupted by a single knock on the front door. He sighed then encouraged his small white body, to leap off the bed then Chaotsu zombie walked to the door.

Just as Chaotsu approached the door. He rubbed his right eye using his same directed arm and used his opposite to reach for the handle to open the door. The odd thing is that no one was in sight. But the only object that stood out was the chestnut coloured picnic basket on the doorstep. Just a normal plain picnic basket.

The only activity coming from it. Was the baby noise trapped inside. Patiently waiting to come out of darkness. 

Chaotsu didn't know whether to open the lid of the basket. Maybe the being could attack him the second if he opened it. He was shaking in fear, at that thought. Chaotsu took a deep sigh, then relaxed.

He placed his hand awkwardly on the edge of the basket, as he tightened his grip. Noting happened. Just as he opened it cautiously. Still absolutely nothing happened.

But it viewed an infant inside the cradle. It giggled friendly, as Chaotsu widened his eyes in surprise.

It looked similar to a normal baby. But it had a third eye, similar to TIen Shinhan. His bestest friend. It had a solar coloured blanket covering the rest of it's body with a sticky note attached to it. Along with writing in a black marker saying "Layla." Maybe it could be the name of the child, or it could be the name of someone but maybe the bird sent the gifted one to the wrong house?. Chaotsu had no idea.

His head had no single thought of a reaction from Tien or Launch.

"Chaotsu!" he heard Tien call his name that snapped him back into reality. "Breakfast!." As he had an spooked reaction on his face.

"C-coming Tien!" he replied. Closing the lid of the basket. Grasping onto the handles, carrying the it into the house with all his might. Once he was in the house panting. He scanned for a hiding spot for the child. So violence won't maybe have to disturb and fill the house.

He spotted some curtains covering sunlight from blinding him. He rushed and placed it behind the curtains.

Tien came into the scene, he sighted Chaotsu. Tien was muscular and tall even though he was less pale skinned than Chaotsu. Although he was black. He wears a white vest when he's not brawling. But what makes him stand out, is his third eye placed on his bottom fore head near both of his eye brows. But ordinary minds don't seem to understand.

When he caught sight of Chaotsu. He was unsimilar. He was panting and his palms were red, but pink. He felt quite awkward cause hi best friend Chaotsu never woke up past seven in the morning. He tried to keep his expression hidden. But he kinda failed at one point.

 "H-hi Tien!" Chaotsu panted, trying to sound normal. But it made things more akward than usual.

"Breakfast is ready...."TIen replied not breaking the conversation. Chaotsu rushed to the table and started to inhale the fuel on his plate.

 There was noise for a few seconds as Tien strolls to the table.

Then a yawn was herd, both men turned their heads to the person who broke the silence. It was Launch.

This morning Launch was in her innocent self. Then she rubbed her one of her black colored eyes. Her dark ocean coloured hair, reached her waist. She didn't have a third eye like Tien. Or rosy oval shapes revealing her cheeks like Chaotsu. She had similar skin color to Tien's. "Morning," She yawned while half asleep.

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