Rule #61 Forget.

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Rule #61


"It's hard to forget someone, that gave you so much to remember"

I don't understand why everyone wants to forget so much.

Of coarse no one wants bad memories or even memories that have someone who wronged you in them.

But why try and forget a moment that you were generally happy in?

Well I will tell you. It's simply because you know that moment will never happen again.

But there will be another point in your life were you will be just as happy, maybe even happier.

But trying to forget will only bring those memories back.

You don't have to try so hard to forget something.

So I say leave them be.

And trust me one day they won't matter, they will be just another chapter in your life.

So Rule #61 Forget about forgetting. But don't try so hard to forget about it because it will only bring it back.

The Rules.Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora